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- Dos hermanos que se levantaron de las deterioradas calles del suroeste de Detroit a fines de la década de 1980 y dieron a luz a una de las familias criminales más influyentes del país.
- Un prisionero se convierte en abogado y lucha por revertir la cadena perpetua que sirve por un crimen que no cometió.
- Son hombres casados que transmiten el VIH a sus parejas. Muchos de los hombres se esconden tras el voto matrimonial, pero siguen deseando a los hombres. Las mujeres lo saben, pero se han acostumbrado a un estilo de vida extravagante.
- It's set in an urban warzone in an unnamed Middle Eastern country, where 50 Cent and G-Unit involve with a paramilitary group led by the terrorist Kamal.
- A coming of age story about an inner-city youth raised by a hardworking single mother. When his dream of becoming a basketball player fails to materialize, he finds himself employed in a supermarket. After his mother is tragically gunned down, Clarence (played by Jackson) is consumed by revenge and takes up a life of crime in order to support his younger brother.
- 50 Cent gets an urgent page from an old cell mate and walks into an ambush, he gets caught in a web of corruption, double-crosses and shady deals as he blasts his way to the truth.
- For teenagers who were neglected and pushed away and even expelled from high school get another chance.
- Serie de TV
- Aaron Wallace's fight to overturn his conviction to a life sentence continues. District Attorney Maskins ups his game when Aaron sues the NYPD in an attempt to gain access to his case file.
- While litigating on behalf of an inmate locked up on a robbery charge, Aaron is torn between doing what's right and what's best for his case. Heartened by Aaron's new lead, Marie recommits to his case.
- In a unique episode taking us back nine years, Marie struggles in her marriage to Aaron as she deals with the turbulence of Aaron's arrest, trial and incarceration.
- Aaron confronts O'Reilly in court, targeting the search warrant used in Aaron's arrest. Maskins arranges for a dangerous inmate, Cassius Dawkins, to be transferred to Bellmore in hopes that he'll cause problems for Safiya and Aaron.
- Aaron struggles to balance the demands of his own case with the needs of an inmate who's fighting for the right to marry his dying girlfriend. Safiya defies the prison board.
- Aaron pushes to represent longtime inmate Easley Barton, hoping that winning this 23-year-old case against Maskins will strengthen his own.
- Flashing back to the previous nine years of his incarceration, Aaron's journey from terrified novice prisoner to attorney and social crusader unfolds.
- Aaron makes a strategic move to get his police file; District Attorney Maskins and Assistant District Attorney O'Reilly close in on proof of Aaron's malfeasance during Jose Rodriguez's trial, targeting Marie as a way to get to Aaron.
- In order to maintain his lifeline to the outside world, Aaron is forced to defend Cassius Dawkins when he puts three white supremacists in the hospital.
- Aaron finally gets his chance to argue for his retrial in court but it's thwarted by the return of prison warden Cyrus Hunt.
- Aaron bolsters his case with newfound information from Marie but finds himself torn between two worlds when Cassius suspects Aaron is a snitch and seeks retribution.
- When Maskins and Cyrus Hunt try to thwart Aaron's attempt at a retrial, Aaron is forced to attempt a desperate move, risking the wrath of a powerful new adversary.
- Aaron Wallace's fight continues as he embarks on a more personal journey -- to reunite with his family and reclaim a life of freedom.
- At the urging of Spencer Richardson, Aaron defends a woman charged with holding hospital workers at gunpoint to secure lifesaving treatment for her son; a young social justice warrior joins Aaron and Roswell's firm.