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- The incredible trial of an appallingly ordinary man. Drawn entirely on the 350 hours of rare footage recorded during the trial of Adolf Eichmann, in 1961, in Jerusalem, this film about obedience and responsibility is the portrait of an expert in problems resolving, a modern criminal. The film is inspired from the controversial book by Hannah Arendt : "Eichmann in Jerusalem, report on the banality of evil".
- Summer 2002, the Palestinian filmmaker Michel Khleifi and the Israeli filmmaker Eyal Sivan set off on a cinematographic journey in their country, Palestine-Israel.
- Eyal Sivan's award-winning documentary IZKOR - SLAVES OF MEMORY is about the orchestration of memory. The film shows how school children of all ages in Israel are taught to pay tribute to their nation's past. It keenly observes how some memories are even physically conditioned into the future generations. "One of the most truly, most intelligent, most terrible and sharpest films about Israeli society. (...) A film on memory and politics: this is the way that Israeli society exploits its myths to train people to have no doubts or remorse, creating the soldiers of the future wars." (Tom Segev - Haaretz) IZKOR means 'remember', an imperative that is imposed on Israeli society through the public educational system. During the month of April feast days and celebrations take place one after another. Passover, the celebration of freedom gained by Hebrews after slavery for the Pharaohs, marks the beginning, then festivities make place for mourning during the Holocaust Day and Memorial Day. All over the country people pay respect to the martyrs and heroes of the Holocaust and a week later to Israeli soldiers who died for their country. Independence Day is the peak of this violent succession of emotions. Memory orchestrated vigorously by all official institutions.
- A family of five, their two goats and donkey live in the middle of nowhere far from their village home. They earn meager living by producing & selling charcoal, made from the surrounding trees. The father and son are the only ones who ever return to their native village. The Mother & two daughters have not left this place since the day they abandoned home, 10 years ago. One day the father decides to provide running water for the family by illegally diverting water onto their land. The three women recoil from the idea but the teenage son obeys submissively anything to be allowed to continue attending school. The water surging through the pipe parallels the surging resentment the family feels towards the father. He brought them to this place against their will and they know the reason they left their home is also the reason they can never return, but the newly free-flowing water on their land re-awakens the instinctive desire for freedom they have been repressing all these years.
- In February 1990, shortly after the fall of the Berlin Wall, the Ministry for State Security is dissolved. The end of the Stasi has come.
- Through its three segments, Symptom (fiction), Screening Test (investigation) and Analysis (debate), the program addresses advances in modern medicine.
- At the point where the peace process has reached yet another dead-end, Eyal Sivan tries to go beyond the idea of "the two-state solution". Through the use of editing, Sivan creates an encounter between Palestinian Arabs and Israeli Jews. Twenty parallel interviews on the theme of a common state. One talks, the other listens.