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- Expone cómo las empresas están cambiando desesperadamente su marca como socialmente responsables.
- Los niños compiten en desafíos en este programa de juegos, presentado por un perro animado.
- A close-knit circle of Toronto friends, shaken by the break-up of their favorite couple, are forced over a winter to finally grow up.
- Spang Ho was going to aquarium with his friends.
- It follows Lamb and Anne the Alligator. They travel around the country and meet up with famous live-action musical artist friends who help them tackle a learning challenge with the assistance of a new original song.
- Take a bubble trip to the Australian desert on a brand-new mission from Plum. Find out what a skismo is. Visit Mysterious Mount X, which is three mountains in one. Learn about the team's favorite places in nature. And much more.
- Phred lives inside the "dot" of Noggin.com. Every day he finds a new kid to help him host his very own show.
- Filmmaker Ann Marie Fleming goes on a world tour to uncover the life of her great grandfather, a legendary magician and acrobat who performed all over the world in the first half of the 20th century.
- Swollen Members performs with Moka Only in the music video "Fuel Injected" from the album "Bad Dreams" recorded for Battleaxe Records. The music video features Swollen Members and Moka Only performing in various rooms of a mansion. Clips of women feature throughout.
- The redemptive power of food, wine, music and love through the eyes of a modern man. Chuck's wife Sylvie spontaneously invites some colleagues over to celebrate a work victory, and Chuck's planned dinner for two spirals out of control.
- Emile Benoit's delivery of the 18th century French song 'Vive la rose', accompanied by stop-motion animation with a combination of ink drawings and Newfoundland scenery.
- A crazy old man leaves a vitriolic message on the wrong machine.
- Serie de TV
- A man waxes on about beer and flowers in a small-town basement tavern.
- Far Away From Far Away is an interactive story inspired by the early life of visionary Zita Cobb. Written by Michael Crummey, it's about a young girl growing up on Fogo Island with her father during the 1960s and '70s. More than a historical retelling, it interprets its time and place, painting a vivid portrait of rural island life. Designed exclusively for mobile devices, Far Away From Far Away uses simple, intuitive navigation to take us into rich, long-form storytelling. As we travel through the radical upheaval in Fogo Island's fishing industry, we witness a dramatic transformation of the local communities. With one foot in the past and the other in the future, you'll tap and swipe through interactive prose, memories and stories.
- 2017–20187mTV-YEpisodio de TVPet-Sitting Tip #1: Make Sure It's a Hamster- Ruff, expecting the delivery of a hamster for his new Pet-Sitting Service, receives a rhinoceros instead. His failed efforts to make a leash to bring the rhino to heel eventually lead him to enlist the help of live-action kids to help him test the strength of household materials.
- Pet-Sitting Tip #2: Plarn It!- Fluff, the rhinoceros Ruff is pet-sitting, has just destroyed several valued items belonging to his roommate, Blossom. When Ruff's attempts to paste, tape, and glue the items back together fail miserably, his kid viewers introduce him to "plarn," a versatile material made from plastic bags that can be woven, knit, or crocheted to recreate the items Fluff shredded.
- 2017–20187mEpisodio de TVWith Blossom due home any moment, Ruff frets that she won't approve of his pet-sitting a rhinoceros. His desperate plan? Disguise Fluff as a dog. His dog breed research leads him to the perfect pooch to base Fluff's costume on-the shaggy, dreadlocked Puli Dog. Ruff and Chet set to work analyzing and sorting different materials based on their "shagginess" scale.
- 2017–20187mTV-YEpisodio de TVRuff confides to his viewers that pet-sitting a rhinoceros disguised as a giant Puli dog is hard, especially if you have to take them out for a walk in the rain. Their first try leads to a very unhappy Fluff, whose absorbent mop costume is now soaked. Ruff has to find a water-resistant material he can use to keep Fluff dry.
- 2017–20187mEpisodio de TVA music-video in which Ruff and Fluff show viewers that clothing made out of different materials has different properties. Ruff sings about how Fluff always dresses appropriately for every occasion, while Ruff has the wrong choice of attire. On a hot day, Fluff wears a cool cotton while Ruff dons a hot rubber slicker.
- It's Grandma Ruffman's Birthday and Ruff has decided to give her an "Ruff Ruffman Action-to-the-Maxion Skate-Pro Plushie" as a gift. Ruff decides to roll the plushie (mounted on a mini-skateboard) right up to Grandma's front door, but her perfectly flat sidewalk foils his plan. Ruff recruits help from live-action kids who explain that he needs an incline to deliver his present to Grandma.
- Ruff is at the edge of the frozen pond in the zoo's penguin enclosure trying to figure out how to retrieve the plushie, but finds the ice is too slippery to walk on. When Blossom shows Ruff a curling video, he realizes he can send another object on the ice to ricochet against the plushie and send it to the edge.