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- All'indomani di un'umiliante performance al Kennedy Center, per riconquistare la propria posizione le Bellas prendono parte a una competizione internazionale che nessun gruppo americano ha mai vinto prima.
- A runaway circus dog befriends a young boy who has trouble fitting in with his friends.
- BASIC FOOTBALL explains the game in a fast-paced, funny and very entertaining way. Using state-of-the-art graphics and animation, football clips and story-like segments, BASIC FOOTBALL will turn any football novice into an educated, game-loving fan in less than an hour. Men, women and children of all ages will love BASIC FOOTBALL!
- The AFC champion Pittsburgh Steelers and the NFC champion Green Bay Packers meet for the championship of the National Football League in Arlington, Texas.
- A man trespasses all ten commandments in about three minutes.
- Peyton and his brother Eli look at the history of the Lombardi Trophy.
- 1970–8,3 (9)Episodio TV
- The first ever virtual NFL Draft kicks off in the first round with the first pick of the draft by the Cincinnati Bengals.
- 2006–7,4 (11)Episodio TV
- 1970–7,9 (9)Episodio TV
- Michael Vick's journey through the history of Black quarterbacks features Eagles star Jalen Hurts, Hall of Famer Tony Dungy, hip-hop star Common, and Super Bowl hero Doug Williams.