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- En explorant les ruines d'une abbaye roumaine du XIIIᵉ siècle, une équipe met au jour un immense réseau souterrain. Ignorant les mises en garde, ils partent l'explorer et s'y retrouvent coincés , traqués par de dangereuses créatures.
- Un groupe de soldats romains se battent pour survivre derrière les lignes ennemies après que leur légion soit dévastée par une attaque.
- Au XVIIIe siècle, une vampire s'échappe d'un freak show, auquel elle a déjà participé, et fait équipe avec un groupe de tueurs de vampires pour tuer l'homme qui a violé sa mère.
- Un opérateur informatique extrêmement talentueux, mais socialement isolé est chargé par la direction de prouver le théorème zéro : que l'univers se termine comme rien, rendant la vie sans sens. Mais le sens est ce dont il a déjà soif.
- Kathryn Bolkovac, une policière du Nebraska qui a servi comme gardienne de la paix dans la Bosnie d'après-guerre, dénonce l'ONU pour avoir dissimulé un scandale de trafic sexuel.
- A man and his brother on a mission of revenge become trapped in a harrowing occult experiment dating back to the Third Reich.
- Pendant les derniers jours de la guerre civile américaine, trois femmes doivent se battre pour défendre leur terre contre deux soldats qui se sont séparés de l'armée.
- A defense attorney begins to suspect that there might be more to her client, who is charged with the murders of a vacationing family, than meets the eye.
- While travelling abroad, a guy falls for a Romanian beauty whose unreachable heart has its origins in her violent, charismatic ex.
- Un ancien mercenaire est engagé par un combattant pour retrouver sa fille kidnappée.
- At the invitation of an estranged relative, a young woman travels with her niece and nephew to a castle in Europe for Christmas, where she unwittingly falls for a dashing Prince.
- A boy's life is turned upside down when he learns that he is the last of a group of immortal warriors who have dedicated their lives to fighting the forces of the dark.
- Alarmé par l'atmosphère sordide de l'asile dans lequel il vient d'être affecté, Clark Stevens enquête sur le passé de cet hôpital. Il rencontre un étrange patient qui lui en apprend plus sur le garçon qui arpente les couloirs la nuit..
- Pendant la Seconde Guerre mondiale, l'officier SS Kurt Gerstein tente d'alerter le Pape Pie XII sur le sort des juifs envoyés dans les camps d'extermination. Le jeune prêtre jésuite Riccardo Fontana l'aide dans cette difficile mission d'informer le monde.
- Two assassins agree to work together as one tries to avenge his wife and the other collects a reward for a job.
- Une nuit de débauche sexuelle menace la carrière universelle d'une jeune étudiante assez sage.
- Mini series depicting the turbulent and bloody reigns of Scottish monarchs Mary, Queen of Scots and her son King James VI of Scotland who became King James I of England and foiled the Gunpowder Plot.
- A BBC adaptation of the Victorian "penny dreadful" tale of 18th century "demon barber" Sweeney Todd, of Fleet Street, who cuts the throats of unsuspecting clients in his London shop.
- Boston based Kernwell Industries is an American defense contractor. One of those contracts is to deploy 3,000 peacekeepers to the International Peacekeeping Coalition's work in the Balkans. Because of the near epidemic problem of sex trafficking of young Balkan women, Kernwell has decided to support the charity, Worldwide Federation Against Forced Migration. Kernwell's head of charities is Madeleine Harlsburg, the wife of the company's CEO, Tom Harlsburg. Although it does not have a pristine reputation as a good social corporate citizen, Kernwell hits a bigger public relations problem when it is learned that one of those 3,000 peacekeepers was caught trying to buy the services of a teen-aged prostitute in Sarajevo. Although not named to the media, that person is Sergeant Callum Tate, who swears he was trying to save that woman. In reality, Tate has evidence of a larger conspiracy of sex trafficking. Regardless of the truth or falsehood of accusations, some within Kernwell will do whatever they require to protect their organization's brand. Meanwhile, the Moldovan Visinescu sisters - Lena and Vara - believe they are moving to London with Vara's boyfriend Alexi to lead a better life to be able to send money back to support their mother and Lena's infant son. However, they soon learn that Alexi has instead sold them into a white slavery ring. Speak For Freedom, a London-based non-profit organization, works in many areas including monitoring sex trafficking in order to assist authorities in stopping it. Daniel Appleton, one of its employees, gets involved in trying to save the Visinescus.
- Evil spirits released from old celluloid cause a film crew to slowly go insane while in production on a new project.
- Students at a quantum academy attempt to create a collective consciousness, only to discover that they themselves are part of a greater experiment.
- Budapest devient le théâtre d'un affrontement à couper le souffle entre deux tueurs à gages qui veulent régler un contentieux.
- Prince William (Dan Amboyer) and Kate Middleton (Alice St. Clair) were just friends at college, but after they got closer -- and she met his family -- they found themselves at the center of one of the most celebrated weddings in history.
- During World War II, 16 year old Eva meets Tudor, a mysterious man who makes her feel like a woman, but whose periodic disappearances wreak havoc on their relationship.
- In a mystical land torn apart by civil war, a warrior princess must team up with a rival warrior prince to hunt down an evil sorcerer who has summoned a giant flying demon which is terrorizing their land.