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- Ein Volksmärchen über Zwillingsgeschwister, die vermuten, dass ihr Vater Geheimnisse über die Verbindung ihrer verstorbenen Mutter mit dem Übernatürlichen verbirgt.
- Eine Annäherung an die Jazzlegende Chet Baker und sein musikalisches Comeback in den späten 60er Jahren.
- Basierend auf der absurden, aber wahren Bankraub- und Geiselkrise von 1973 in Stockholm, die im New Yorker als Ursprung des "Stockholm-Syndroms" dokumentiert wurde.
- Die bemerkenswerte, wahre Überlebensgeschichte eines jüdischen Jungen, der sich in den Wäldern des von den Nazis besetzten Osteuropas versteckt und gejagt wird.
- Ein verurteilter Mann begibt sich auf eine Reise voller Gewalt und Erlösung, um die Wahrheit über den Tod seiner Schwester herauszufinden .
- When Arthur, an octogenarian rogue, enlists his grandson Kevin to help him escape the nursing home - and then chauffeur him from Arizona to his cabin in Northern Ontario - what ensues goes both way off the map, and way beyond a road trip.
- Tortured by the memory of a childhood trauma, a woman returns after a decade to her family's fly-in hunting lodge to assist her siblings with their dying father, only to find herself stuck in a life threatening nightmare.
- A teenage girl is terrorized when she spends two nights alone on a remote island as part of her camp counselor initiation.
- Eine schwarze Bürokomödie über einen Leiter der Personalabteilung, der droht, mit dem besten Freund seiner Frau wegzulaufen, um dem Wahnsinn um ihn herum zu entkommen.
- An office comedy about two best friend finance grads who embark on a crazy mission to stop an investment bank from closing a crooked deal involving student loans.
- A weathered detective teams up with a young female archaeologist to unravel the mysterious death of a 'bog body' found in a native swamp rumored to have curative powers. A story of two wounded souls searching for healing and redemption.
- A short BravoFACT adaptation of the 2010 Stratford Shakespeare Festival play 'As You Like It'.
- An exploration of the mysteries surrounding the death of jazz legend Chet Baker who was found dead below an Amsterdam hotel window in 1988.
- A haunting tale of loss and forgiveness as a son tries to reconnect with his father who gives up drinking after a mysterious accident.
- A small-time wrestling promoter struggles to hold his show together while his life falls apart.
- A shirt shooting mascot spins into a dark cycle of media.
- Four completely different couples are captured by an identical photograph as they discuss fate and circumstance in a restaurant.
- A ballet musical adaptation of WestSide Story Suite.
- A glimpse into the unique, eccentric mind of a pioneering Canadian photographer: Hannah Maynard (1834-1918). Born in Cornwall, England, Maynard emigrated with her family to Vancouver Island in 1862, where she set up her own portrait studio that same year. After the sudden death of her youngest daughter, she produced a troubling series of experimental images that reflected her haunted state-an attempt to contact her beloved daughter's spirit. Considered overly bold and unconventional, Maynard experimented with such techniques as photosculpture, multiple exposure, and composite images. She developed a surreal vision, a world obsessed with children and death but also the spiritual possibilities of duality, of mirrors, and the infinity contained within them. After her retirement in 1912, she photographed scores of subjects passing through Victoria.
- Sadie, an ambitious clerk is held up late one night at the bookstore where she works. The problem is that no one sees the crime and the thief steals the only video surveillance tape. Each person recounts a different version of what happens adding layers of confusion until nothing is clear. It is only when the surveillance video is screened that the truth is revealed.
- A haunting tale of a son who tries to reconnect with his father who finally gives up drinking after a mysterious accident. Based on the award-winning short story by David B. Silva
- As three Major League Baseball umpires prepare for the first day of spring training, they debate their roles and the value of 'America's Past-time' in our post 9/11 world. Based on the award-winning play by NYC playwright Frederick Stroppel.
- A jazz-based exploration of a father-son musical relationship.
- A surreal tale of a man's coming to terms with dark family secrets after finding out he has terminal cancer.