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- Quando John Nash, un brillante ma asociale matematico, accetta un progetto segreto legato alla criptografia, la sua vita si trasforma in un incubo.
- A government agent recovering from a nervous breakdown deciphers a death threat written in ancient Hebrew.
- Sharp social satire in which the uneven friendship between an ambitious Black businessman and his streetwise pal is thrown into further confusion when the professional falls in love with a mind-numbingly gorgeous waitress.
- The mother of the most infamous school shooter in history tells what she wishes she'd done differently. Discussions around stopping mass shootings are usually bifurcated by politics: Gun control on the left and Mental health on the right. But the issues are interconnected and inform each other. Most gun deaths are suicide. This moving story of a mother coming to terms with her own son gives us all a unique chance to step back and then step forward.
- An art installation in which Alfred Hitchcock's Psyco (1960) is slowed down to approximately two frames a second, making the piece exactly 24 hours long.
- Seven students inherit the instrument-building workshop of their enigmatic mentor and must undergo a collective rite of passage based on the spiritual components of music. In order to fully claim their inheritance, the students must live together for one month, and learn to participate in these seven diverse musical rituals. Throughout their journey, the students rely on the meditative practices taught by their mentor -- namely, the power of Silence -- and they use this spiritual practice to guide them through the collective rite of passage. But when the rituals take a dark turn, the workshop becomes a magnifying glass for the fantasies and anxieties hidden in the human mind.
- SIDEWALK chronicles the lives of primarily black homeless book vendors and magazine scavengers who ply their trade along 6th Avenue between 8th Street and Washington Place in New York City. By briefly comparing those book vendors with the history of book vending along the Seine in Paris, the film speaks to the efforts of North American and European societies to rid public space of the outcasts they have had a hand in producing. The film takes us into the social world of the people subsisting on the streets of New York by focusing on their work as street side booksellers, magazine vendors, junk dealers, panhandlers, and table watchers. The sidewalk becomes a site for the unfolding of these people living on the edge of society in order to give us a deeper understanding of how these individual's are able to survive. It also becomes a site for conflicts and solidarities that encompass the vendors and local residents. We followed half dozen vendors for most of this past decade. By the end of shooting the film, their lives had taken a myriad of routes - one was hired by a local University to run a speakers series, another left to find herself working at a 7/11 convenience store, a third was deported to Jamaica where he struggles to survive without family, friends or a livelihood. Most of our characters have remained on the street continuing the daily struggle to scratch out a living on what the rest of us throw away. In this context, our main objective is to show HOW the sidewalk life works today. How do these people on the street live in a moral (and sometimes immoral) order? How do they have the ingenuity to do so in the face of exclusion and stigmatization on the basis of race and class? How does the way they do so affront the sensibilities of the working and middle classes? How do their acts intersect with a city's mechanisms to regulate its public spaces?
- A portrait of and tribute to the author who, with the publication of Barometer Rising in 1941, set a precedent in Canadian literature by writing about Canadian topics and places and, in so doing, paved the way for a thriving national literary movement. Through the use of still photographs, archival footage and interviews, this documentary traces seven decades of MacLennan's public and private life--as a young boy in Nova Scotia, brought up in a strict Presbyterian family of Scottish descent, as a Rhodes scholar at Oxford, as a professor at McGill University, and as the author of seven novels and numerous essays. Also featured in the film are several readings from MacLennan's work.
- A short documentary chronicling the personal lives and narratives of Thai "ladyboys," who are born men but present themselves as women, living openly in Thai society. The film interviews ladyboys from all walks of life-- performers, filmmakers, activists-- to learn what it's like to live in a society with visible gender fluidity, and to explore if Thailand is really as open to and accepting of sexual diversity as it seems.
- This film provides a visual history of Princeton's distinctive mission and its vital tradition from its founding in 1746 to the present.
- About the poetry of a man, Edward Estlin Cummings (1894-1962), who grew up loved and loving, who loved growing and learning, the discovery of circuses, springtime, friends, books, love, the world.
- 2004–201150mTV-G7,7 (11)Episodio TVEarth's magnetosphere, which shields us from deadly solar radiation is decaying rapidly. When it collapses, as Mars's did billions of years ago, Earth will be stripped of its atmosphere, water and life. This episode explores new evidence that the Earth's magnetic poles are on the verge of reversing. As it does, Earth's magnetosphere will weaken greatly for thousands of years, allowing solar radiation to penetrate to the Earth's surface. This will threaten many species, including man, with extinction. In 2010 three satellites will be launched to detect minute variations in field strength and identify any new areas of pole reversal. For mankind to survive, we must develop technological methods of protecting ourselves before this happens.
- This is the greatest story ever told, the creation of everything us. The programme investigates how the Universe came into existence out of nothing, and how it grew from a miniscule point, smaller than an atomic particle, to the vast cosmos we see today.
- Galaxies, home to stars, planets and us, come in all shapes and sizes. Witnesses the evolution of galaxies; from clouds of cold gas floating in the voids of space 13 billion years ago, to the magnificent spirals that fill our night sky.
- The Supreme Allied Commander of World War Two relied on the covert arm of the CIA to an unprecedented scale during his presidency. From his education on clandestine warfare from Winston Churchill to CIA missions all over the world, Eisenhower unleashed his operatives like no other U.S. leader.
- 2010– 44mTV-PG8,5 (119)Episodio TVThe first second of the Universe, the creation of everything when space, time, matter and energy burst into existence. It is the most important second in history, which seals the Universe's fate and defines everything that comes after - including us.