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- Tre giocatori che si conoscevano da adolescenti gareggiano in un torneo di tennis per diventare il vincitore del Grande Slam di fama mondiale e riaccendono vecchie rivalità dentro e fuori dal campo.
- Una cronaca della storia avvincente e contro ogni previsione che ha trafitto il mondo nel 2018: l'audace salvataggio di dodici ragazzi e del loro allenatore dal profondo di una grotta allagata nel nord della Thailandia.
- In un susseguirsi di reportage inediti e testimonianze dirette, Michael Moore mette il suo talento e il suo sarcasmo al servizio di una nuova e coraggiosa inchiesta sulle piaghe nascoste della politica estera di George W. Bush.
- Late night show with author, comedian and television host and producer Greg Gutfeld, offering up satirical political and social commentary with a weekly panel of guests.
- Fox News Channel personalities and guests discuss current events.
- A British documentary series exploring the extraordinary journey of Donald Trump through five decades.
- A morning news show that includes interviews, features and banter among the hosts.
- Talk show covering politics and daily news on weeknights.
- Jesse Watters speaks with newsmakers from across the country to give Americans a show where straight talk is the only talk.
- A show featuring parodies of current events, commentary on significant issues and interviews with newsmakers, culture critics and media personalities.
- Longtime Fox News contributor Laura Ingraham anchors the 10 PM slot with this new weekday series.
- Powerful analysis and spirited debates with guests from across the political and cultural spectrum.
- Satiric commentary and discussion on current political and social topics.
- Jesse Watters examines political headlines with a rotating panel of guests and via on-the-street interviews.
- Fox News Channel news and talk show.
- A news show featuring the top headlines of the day, from pop culture to politics, with a panel of four women vs. one man.
- Castro's Spies tells the thrilling story of an elite group of Cuban intelligence agents sent undercover to the US in the 1990s.
- Fox News Live was an American news talk television program.
- Bill Hemmer and Dana Perino cover current events happening around the nation and the world; guests pertinent to the news topics are interviewed and viewer emails are also answered by the anchors and guests.
- Fox News debuts its first late night weekday show. Shannon Bream moves from the afternoon to anchor the nightly series.
- This early morning show is for people who enjoy the information they get from "FOX and Friends" but want it an hour earlier. Heather Childers, Rob Schmitt and Jillian Mele host the show that requires them to get up at the crack of dawn. They report on the day's headlines while offering viewers the latest information regarding health, legal, political and lifestyle topics. Consider this the pregame show for the main "FOX and Friends" show that follows it.
- Sunday morning Fox network public affairs TV program has interviews with newsmakers and discussions of current affairs.
- Exploring the fundamental values and principles undergirding American society, culture, politics, and current events, and their relevance to the nation's future and everyday lives of citizens.
- Took over the 1pm-3pm ET time slots from Outnumbered Overtime with Harris Faulkner (2017) and The Daily Briefing with Dana Perino (2017), with Faulkner beginning her new show The Faulkner Focus (2021) at 11am ET and Perino becoming co-anchor of America's Newsroom (2007) from 9am-11am ET.
- Business news and analysis.