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- Captain James T. Kirk und die Crew des Raumschiff Enterprise erkunden die Galaxie und verteidigen die Vereinigte Federation der Planeten.
- Eine Eliteeinheit für verdeckte Operationen führt hochsensible Missionen durch, die im Falle des Scheiterns, des Todes oder der Gefangennahme offiziell geleugnet werden können.
- Eine verrückte Frau strebt ständig danach, zusammen mit ihrem Bandleader-Ehemann ein Star zu werden und bringt sich selbst in die seltsamsten Situationen.
- Mannix arbeitete ursprünglich für Wickersham bei Intertect und schlug dann auf eigene Faust zu, unterstützt von Peggy Fair (deren Polizisten-Mann getötet worden war) und Tobias, der vom Police Department kontaktiert wurde.
- A widower with ten children falls for a widow with eight, and they must decide about forming a huge, unconventional family.
- Die verrückten Missgeschicke einer ewig intriganten Frau, ihrer widerwilligen besten Freundin und ihres streitsüchtigen Chefs.
- Spezialagent Eliot Ness und sein Elite-Team unbestechlicher Agenten bekämpfen das organisierte Verbrechen im Chicago der 1930er Jahre.
- The Texan, a Civil War Veteran whose reputation of being the fastest gun in the west precedes him, roams across Texas from town to town, not looking for trouble, but trouble finds him.
- Follow-up to I Love Lucy (1951), Lucy Ricardo continues her wacky schemes as she travels with her husband, Ricky and their friends Ethel and Fred to various locations and meeting celebrities.
- The adventures of frontier hero Jim Bowie are brought to life in this popular children's television series.
- Charming and wise Lily Ruskin lives with her daughter and son-in- law who, along with her close friend Hilda Crocker, are always trying to find suitable older marriageable companionship for her.
- Charter helicopter pilots Chuck and P. T. solve crimes. Rescue people, perform tasks and more using their Bell helicopter, the star of the show;
- Desi Arnaz greets the "I Love Lucy" studio audience and invites them to watch Lucille Ball and the cast film a special extended episode.
- Johnny Slate is the big boss who successfully keeps the circus running as it moves from town to town. He manages to deal with the unexpected frequently and uses Otto King, the accountant, as a sounding board.
- James Harrigan und sein Sohn führen eine Anwaltskanzlei, haben aber unterschiedliche Möglichkeiten, die Unschuld ihrer Mandanten zu beweisen.
- An anthology series hosted by Betty Furness in the first season, and Desi Arnaz in the second. Stories came from several genres, often based on fact. A two part episode was spun off as the popular show The Untouchables (1959).
- Jim Phelps leads the impossible Mission Force to smash the criminal syndicate whose head is Frank Wayne. Adapted from a TV series.
- While this sounds like a western, "The Sheriff of Cochise" was a contemporary police drama set in Cochise County, Arizona. Stories seemed strangely similar to "Highway Patrol," emphasizing fist fights and car chases rather than gunplay. Tough Sheriff Frank Morgan was eventually promoted to U.S. Marshall and given the entire state of Arizona to keep under control (the series title would subsequently change to U.S. MARSHAL and remain in syndication until 1960). Singer Stan Jones was the series creator but departed the show in 1958. A total of 156 episodes were produced under both titles.
- "Cavalcade of America" documented historical events using stories of individual courage, initiative and achievement, often with feel-good dramatizations of the human spirit's triumph against all odds.
- Story of how a group of incorruptible federal lawmen helped put 1920s' Chicago gangster Al Capone in prison.
- United States Marshal (umbenannt von Sheriff of Cochise) ist ein Kriminalitätsdrama, das in Tuscon, Arizona, über einen U.S. Marshal, der Verbrechen bekämpft, spielt.
- Assistant hotel manager Katy O'Connor hopes to get her boss's job when he's transferred, but is passed over. Meanwhile, her friend Olive has a fling with Delbert Gray.
- Former World War II buddies Eddie Walker of New York City and Tommy Finch of London, England decide to swap teenage daughters Patty and Heather for a year.
- A CBS variety show that ran monthly from 1954-1958, broadcast in color. Stars appearing included Betty Grable, Mario Lanza, Jack Benny, Basil Rathbone, Fredric March, Shirley MacLaine, and Ed Wynn. Lanza and Grable appeared in an amusing episode with Fred Clark, featuring Grable as the unlikely replacement for Lanza in a show.
- Comedy adventures of pretty 9-year-old Alice Holliday growing up in the small American town of River Glen in Georgia.