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- Eine dramatische Komödie, die sich um die Beziehung zwischen einer alleinerziehenden Mutter und ihrer Tochter dreht, die in Stars Hollow, Connecticut lebt.
- Eine Hausfrau in den 1950er Jahren beschließt, Stand-up-Comedian zu werden.
- Bunheads handelt von einem Showgirl aus Las Vegas, das aus einer Laune heraus heiratet und in den verschlafenen Heimatort ihres Ehemannes zieht. Dort angekommen, beginnt sie sich in der Tanzschule ihrer Schwiegermutter einzubringen.
- Die Tänzer und das künstlerische Personal zweier weltberühmter Ballettkompanien starten einen ehrgeizigen Plan, um ihre traditionsreichen Institutionen zu retten, indem sie ihre talentiertesten Stars austauschen.
- When a newly-single professional woman learns that she's unable to conceive, she looks to her estranged younger sister to carry her baby for her.
- 2000–200742mTV-PG8,4 (1007)FernsehepisodeRory and Lorelai work to accommodate four Thanksgiving dinners. Lorelai finds out Rory applied to more colleges than just Harvard. Lane has her first kiss. Human Kirk and cat Kirk have a little adjusting to do.
- Lane fits right in at Yale, almost. Luke's sister Liz visits for her high school reunion and Jess returns to get his car. Meanwhile with Jaime in town, Rory makes Paris decide between her two guys. Lorelai finds money is tight. She and Jason agree to let her parents know they've been dating, but that's easier said than done.
- Rescuing Rory after a night of reckless behavior with Logan, Lorelai is shocked to hear her daughter's plans for the future. Lorelai first turns to Richard and Emily for help, but soon realizes that Luke is the only person she can trust.
- With tensions still high with her daughter, Lorelai takes it out on the inn's employees till Sookie asks her to cool off. Realizing she was wrong, Rory writes Dean a letter, leading to unexpected trouble. Lane has feelings for Zack.
- The Poe Society is in town, and the inn catches fire, forcing guests to move into Lorelai's house. Rory tries to decide between Harvard, Yale and Princeton.
- During the annual Stars Hollow charity picnic basket auction, both Lorelai and Rory's baskets have more competition then they both anticipated. Jackson and Sookie sort out a dispute. Rory and Lorelai resolve their own disagreement.
- Luke and Nicole finalize their divorce. Lorelai, concerned about Jason, confronts her father on their business problems. Emily too questions Richard's decisions and gets the cold shoulder, which is the final straw for her. Jason then decides to counter sue Richard, leaving Lorelai with one clear choice.
- 2000–200745mTV-PG7,3 (758)FernsehepisodeChurch ladies. Lorelai and Rory don their proper summer dresses and show up at the baptismal font to godmothers to Sookie's children - a clever ploy on Sookie's part to get the Gilmore girls back together.
- Rory's roommates have her on edge so she tries to find the perfect place to study. Meanwhile Emily hires Sookie and Lorelai to cater Richard's office party only to find out Jason has other ideas.
- Lorelai and Rory have lunch with a Harvard alumnus. Taylor decides to open an old soda shop next to Luke's Diner. Lane seeks a new band member.
- When Rory asks her grandpa for help in making a first-aid kit for teens, his pleasure at working on a new project prompts him to end his retirement.
- Lorelai and Rory return from their summer vacation. Luke's summer cruise with Nicole had unexpected results. Sookie is almost ready to have her baby.
- The article about the Dragonfly comes out and Luke and Lorelai celebrate. Sookie goes into labor. Logan's dad Mitchum reviews Rory's work and Luke has competition from an unlikely source to buy the Twickham house.
- After realizing that casual dating isn't for her, Rory tries to break things off with Logan, causing him to agree to see her exclusively. Logan's family isn't happy about the match despite Rory's breeding. Luke's patience is tried as he takes over as temporary chef at the Dragonfly while pregnant Sookie is ordered to bed rest, but Sookie has trouble giving up control of her kitchen. Meanwhile, Paris finds out where Doyle has been all weekend.
- Rory hosts a Chilton student for a few days at Yale. Paris dates again. Lorelai learns about Luke's dark day. Logan works his way into Rory's life. Rory and Richard pull a prank.
- Lorelai needs to get permits approved before they can move forward with the inn and learns that business also involves back room deals. Rory runs into Dean who invites her to his wedding.
- Christopher visits Stars Hollow to see Lorelai and Rory. They all come to dinner at Rory's grandparents' house.
- Lorelai is struck by two deaths; Lorelai decides to finally confront Max with her feelings for him, and he tackles his feelings as well.
- Richard gets jealous and comes to a realization after finding out who Emily is dating. Rory offers to help Logan with an article, but she has ulterior motives. Tensions arise when Lane and Zack attend a Kim Family tradition. A "ghost" haunts the Dragon Fly. Emily has a time-sensitive warning for Christopher.
- Lorelai gives Rory, Paris, Madeline and Louise tickets to a Bangles concert, but the evening doesn't go quite as planned.