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- Uma escritora que é brutalizada durante sua aposentadoria na cabana procura vingança contra seus agressores, que a consideraram morta.
- Uma expedição de espeleologia dá terrivelmente errado, quando os batedores ficam presos e são perseguidos por uma estranha raça de predadores.
- Katie vai para Nova Iorque tentar ser modelo. O que começa como uma sessão de fotos, torna-se nalgo terrível: ela é levada para o estrangeiro, espancada, violada e enterrada viva. Após escapar, muito ferida, está desejosa de vingança.
- On a lonely Greyhound bus, a chance encounter between Sara and Tess, both with identical black travel bags, sets off a deadly game of cat and mouse.
- Uma versão distorcida de Chapeuzinho Vermelho, em que uma delinquente juvenil foge da assistente social viajando para a casa da avó, enquanto é seguida por um homem charmoso, porém sádico, pedófilo e assassino em série.
- Jennifer ainda está obcecada com a memória de ter sido estuprada anos atrás. Seguindo o conselho de seu terapeuta, se junta à terapia de grupo e conhece mulheres semelhantes. Ela faz amizade com uma deles que também quer justiça.
- Struggling to find her culinary voice as a Network TV star, Taylor returns to her hometown to visit her parents. She must choose between her renewed relationship, saving her family restaurant, or her dream career as a worldwide known chef.
- Um jovem descobre de repente que tem o dom de curar. Tentando compreender a nova realidade que ele oferece, uma adolescente com câncer terminal lhe mostra inesperadamente o caminho.
- Diana arrives in a town to start a new job. She's threatened into working as an exotic dancer. She's later kidnapped and let loose naked in the wilderness as prey for the psycho hunter, like many women before her. Will she survive?
- Uma viagem de motocicleta pela Califórnia, na passagem da adolescência, ambientada nos anos 60, combinando elementos de "Romeu e Julieta" e "A Odisseia".
- The town of Kilcoulin's Leap will never be the same after a down-on-his-luck mailman botches a get-rich-quick scheme.
- Three kids discover a magical raincoat that transports them into the body of its owner, a cursed magician. With a scorned witch hot on their trail, they must solve the mystery of the raincoat and break its curse before it's too late.
- Solar debris crashes down to Earth, causing widespread destruction and unleashing solar radiation around the world. As genetic mutations rapidly spread, a group of friends must fight to stay alive and escape the chaos.
- When a priceless artifact is stolen, two agents team up to retrieve it from a wealthy criminal mastermind. With everything against them, they'll take the explosive action to the land, sea, and air.
- A lonely, mentally handicapped boy befriends his reflection in an antique mirror. This demonic creature orders him to go on a murderous rampage to kill the people he loves most.
- In 1943 a secret government cloaking project goes awry vanishing a navy destroyer. In 2012, the destroyer reappears, setting off a series of events threatening to destroy the world.
- A small group of Allied commandos must parachute into enemy occupied Europe and recover the information a female spy was carrying, at all costs. They soon realize that this would be the easy part of the mission.
- A young wife harboring a secret finds herself wrapped up in a double life.
- A hardened corporate lawyer must reconnect with her estranged sister when a case exposes questions about the circumstances surrounding their mother's death 20 years earlier.
- Uma mulher confronta um homem mais velho, seu antigo vizinho, para descobrir porque ele a deixou após ter relações sexuais.
- Volcanic eruptions in Los Angeles unleash a swarm of gigantic, lava-breathing tarantulas.
- Facing difficult times and with their glory days long gone, the eight undisputed British vampire overlords gather up for their semi-centennial meeting. However, before the break of dawn, there will be blood. And corpses. Lots of them.
- Um grupo de prisioneiros, liderado por um ladrão armado e um gângster, tenta escapar da famosa ilha de Alcatraz.
- When 22 year old Maggie suddenly collapses into a coma, the doctors diagnose her with a genetic kidney disease. Already in the end stage, she must receive a kidney transplant from a family member with a perfect match. Unknown to her and her siblings, Maggie was adopted from Mexico after she was kidnapped and sold to her wealthy family. With little time left, her adoptive mother must find her biological mother and persuade her to donate her kidney to save Maggie despite the tragedy of losing her daughter years ago. But can two families worlds apart save a dying young woman in her "end stage" without losing themselves, maybe even dying for her cause?
- Sappho, a newly wed American wife, with her husband on the Greek island Lesbos, goes through the pain of unrequited love to a young woman, very much like the namesake poet in ancient times.