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1–29 von 29
- Zwei todbesessene Schwestern, Ausgestoßene in ihrer Vorstadt, müssen sich mit den tragischen Folgen auseinandersetzen, wenn eine von ihnen von einem tödlichen Werwolf gebissen wird.
- Die Tochter eines verstorbenen Geschäftsmanns begibt sich mit ihrer Tante zum Anwesen ihres zukünftigen Ehemanns und ahnt nichts von den seltsamen Gerüchten, die den Namen der Familie umschatten.
- Ein Mädchen liebt einen älteren Mann. Er verlangt, dass sie in ein Bordell geht, als Beweis, dass sie ihn liebt.
- Ein Tag im Leben eines Ehepaares, das sich voneinander entfremdet hat und dessen Beziehung sich immer weiter verschlechtert.
- Ein britischer Söldner hilft einer Inselkolonie auf den Antillen, die Unabhängigkeit von Portugal zu erlangen, kehrt aber später zurück, um einen lokalen Rebellenführer und ehemaligen Schützling zu jagen.
- Outlaw sisters in the old West inherit a ranch and try to settle down and develop relationships with neighboring family of lots of brothers.
- Sister Virginia becomes the new Mother Superior at the convent of Monza. Debauched priest Don Arrigone and lecherous womanizer Giampaolo Osio plot to seduce sister Virginia by any means necessary.
- The railroad engineer Andrea Marcocci has been working with his partner and friend Gigi Liverani for thirty years and feels happy and proud of his work, drinking wine after hours with his friends in a bar owned by the former railroad man Ugo. Andrea is married to Sara, and his young son Sandro is very close to him; however, Andrea has issues with his unemployed son Marcello and with his pregnant daughter Giulia, whose boyfriend Renato Borghi was forced to marry her. After a suicide crosses the tracks of his train in a curve, Andrea feels deeply affected by the accident and almost collides with another train. The railroad company investigates the accident and steps Andrea down from his position. The domestic life of Andrea is also affected by his aggressive behavior and Marcello and Giulia leave home. Later Andrea also leaves home and starts to drink until the day Sandro visits him in a bar.
- Orphaned 18-year-old girl joins jewel smugglers, falls for policeman, marries him, complicating her criminal involvement.
- A strange series of murders are being committed in Nice on the French riviera. The commissionaire Carella is in charge and tries desperately to find a missing link between all of these murders.
- A story of a tribe of Amazons in the age of swords and chariots. The film opens with the tribe holding physical contests to select a new queen. Since there are no men in the tribe, they hire men from another nation once a year. After the queen is crowned, the Amazons go to meet a group of Greek soldiers for their annual mating. The king of the Greeks pretends to be a captain and has sex with the queen. Much to the queen's dismay, she quite enjoys having sex with a man. The king recommends to the queen a certain way back home, not knowing there is another tribe of male warriors waiting in ambush. On the way back to their homes, the Amazons are attacked, and they drive off the men. Once home, they decide to pillage the villages of the tribe that ambushed them. The queen bears a male child, who she thinks is left out to die, as male children are not wanted by the Amazons. The queen arranges for another meeting with the Greeks to mate again and also kill them in revenge for their perceived roll in setting up the ambush. But the queen is again overcome with lust. The king tells her that he had their son rescued, and she slips out of the tent with him to go see the child. The other Amazons think she's been kidnapped, and they chase after her and have a battle with the Greeks.
- A teenage girl vacations in the Italian Riviera during the summer with her wealthy parents; as her parents bicker and contemplate divorce, the young girl finds love in the arms of a handsome student.
- Ein Polizist und sein Team versuchen, zwei aufeinanderfolgende Verbrechen in benachbarten Wohnungen aufzuklären.
- Squarciò, a fisherman, lives with his family on a small island off the Dalmatian coast of Italy. Like his fellow villagers, Squarciò struggles against harsh living conditions, a scarcity of fish in nearby waters and exploitation by the local wholesaler. But while the other fishermen continue to use nets, he goes out to the open sea to fish illegally with bombs. But Squarciò borrows money, loses his boat, and in a moment of supreme desperation, has to bomb directly off-shore, causing the hatred and rejection of his fellow fishermen. Trying to save his family, Squarciò and his young sons sail their new boat out beyond the local waters and bomb-fish again. But this time, the sea exacts a terrible toll...
- Le chemin des ecoliers (The Way of Youth) is a 1959 French film starring Alain Delon. It is based in the novel The Transient Hour by Marcel Ayme.
- A low level gangster in Hong Kong gains new respect after saving a boss's life in a gang fight.
- A little boy is abducted by ruthless bandit gang leader El Cachal after Cachal and his men butcher the boy's family with the exception of his father. Johnny Ashley, the gunslinger father of the boy, goes searching for his son. Alas, the boy has grown up to be a mean and vicious criminal.
- Andrea Zaccardi has returned home from hunting. He and his wife Luisa are very close. Their young son Giulio develops a cough. The doctor recommends the seaside. Luisa leaves with Giulio for several weeks. Andrea stays to work at the metal shop... While visiting his family, Andrea notices a young woman on the beach with her soldier boyfriend. The weekend over, the girl is on the bus home. Rita recognizes Andrea from the neighbourhood. They talk, walk home, say good night... Rita's brother Gino is trying for a job at the metal shop. Andrea helps him make the grade. Rita comes home to find Gino's new mentor there... Andrea apologizes. Rita tells him she is now engaged. Andrea spends a restless weekend with Luisa... Rita is working late at the office. Andrea appears. They kiss...
- Ein karategewandtes Gelbgesicht geht in den Wilden Westen, um Cowboy zu werden. Dort trifft er aber auf den brutalen Spencer, der mit seiner Bande Menschenschmuggel betreibt und Mexikaner reihenweise wie Freiwild erschießen lässt.
- With the law helpless and the authorities unable and unwilling to step in a woman proceeds and takes direct action when as coincidence would have it one of the murdering kidnappers of a her sister becomes a patient in the hospital at which she works. She is sent to prison for her crime, but that is just the beginning of her ordeal.
- Several years after escaping from prison, Nami searches for the culprit while working at a show pub, sees one-armed yakuza gang leader Shuzo Gouda on television. She is convinced that Gouda is the culprit.