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1-50 di 736
- Un detective frustrato si occupa del caso di diversi raccapriccianti omicidi commessi da persone che non ricordano ciò che hanno fatto.
- Lo stupro di una sposa e l'assassinio del marito samurai sono ricordati dal punto di vista di un bandito, della sposa, del fantasma del samurai e di un taglialegna.
- Una storia di ambizione, famiglia, amore e guerra ambientata nel bel mezzo delle guerre civili giapponesi del sedicesimo secolo.
- Un'attrice francese girando un film contro la guerra a Hiroshima ha una relazione con un architetto giapponese sposato mentre parlano delle loro prospettive diverse sulla guerra.
- L'esercito russo invia un esploratore in spedizione nella nevosa e selvaggia steppa siberiana, dove egli diventa amico di un esperto cacciatore locale.
- A blind sculptor and his mother kidnap a young model.
- Un gruppo di cheerleader diventa il bersaglio di un assassino sconosciuto in un remoto campo estivo.
- A successful but unhappy Japanese accountant finds the missing passion in his life when he begins to secretly take ballroom dance lessons.
- Nel Giappone medievale, un governatore compassionevole viene mandato in esilio. Sua moglie e i figli cercano di unirsi a lui, ma verranno separati, e i figli crescono in mezzo alla sofferenza e all'oppressione.
- The head of a Japanese theatre troupe returns to a small coastal town where he left a son who thinks he is his uncle, and tries to make up for the lost time, but his current mistress grows jealous.
- An exploitation sex drama just this side of pinku-eiga with yakuza elements.
- The adventures of a blind, gambling masseur who also happens to be a master swordsman.
- The personal tales of various prostitutes who occupy a brothel.
- A young pickpocket meets a sheltered teenage girl at an art museum while trying to lift her wallet. He falls in love with her and lures her to deserted strip of beach where he pretends his motorbike has broken. An unlikely romance follows.
- A samurai pursues a married lady-in-waiting.
- A man getting on in years sets out to find a way to resurrect his flagging virility.
- During the Sino-Japanese War, a young army nurse gives sympathy to her patients and falls in love with an impotent doctor who's addicted to morphine.
- An ornithologist investigates reports of a monstrous new species of bird just as a teenage girl is gifted an amulet found on mysterious atoll. As the creatures begin to attack, an ancient guardian with a bond to the girl emerges.
- Una giovane donna traumatizzata sta cercando di recuperare i suoi ricordi con l'aiuto di uno psichiatra. Durante le sedute di ipnosi, ripete il nome «Tomie» ma non riesce a ricordare da dove lo conosce.
- The lives of a master sculptor and his young apprentice are changed forever when they meet an evil witch during a snow storm.
- Upon receiving a shocking telegram from his cousin, a man recounts his early life, as a member of a broad family full of dark secrets that slowly reveal themselves through the clan ceremonies.
- Volcanic activity unleashes a bloodthirsty monster called Gyaos that Gamera must confront.
- Ishun is a wealthy but unsympathetic master printer who has wrongly accused his wife and best employee of being lovers. To escape punishment, the accused run away together, but Ishun is certain to be ruined if word gets out.
- When an ancient statue is moved for display in Expo '70, a giant, vaguely Triceratops-like monster is released. The monster goes to Japan in pursuit of the statue and ends up battling Gamera, the giant flying turtle.