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- Anna Karenina is the young wife of an older husband. She has an affair with the handsome Count Vronsky. By following her desires, Anna complicates her life.
- The gothic tale of a pair of half-sisters whose lives end up caught in a grand conspiracy revolving around a mentally ill woman dressed in white.
- Episode #101. Suchet begins on the path of St. Paul throughout the Middle East/Asia Minor from Jerusalem to Turkey, and explores Paul's Damascus conversion road experience that would change his life forever. He also seeks to show how Paul's early life in Tarsus would prepare him for his missionary work that would take him across the Roman Empire. In Antioch we encounter Paul and the fledgling church as they make the crucial decision to admit Gentiles into the Christian faith. This episode ends with Suchet's saying that Paul's next big step would be to convert the populations in Europe - which sets Paul up with a confrontation with Rome. Episode #102. Suchet follows Paul's journey to the west where the name of Jesus was not known. Paul wants to convert people to Jesus before the end of the world arrives. But he is doing so in areas where Caesar himself is believed to be a God, and his mission is not well received. Successes are met with failures in places like Philippi and Thessaloniki, but Paul is proud of hardships as they serve to strengthen his resolve to change the world. All roads lead to Rome, the hub of early Christianity, and it is here that Paul will pay the ultimate price.
- Unhappy with his children, lord of the manor Colonel Druce summons his lawyer and changes his will, only to be stabbed to death shortly thereafter.
- Jones is brought back to his home town to help investigate a series of murders linked to childhood friends and events that occurred years earlier.