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- María, escritora y madre primeriza, está obsesionada con un escandaloso incidente: Alice ahogó a sus mellizos de diez meses en la bañera. María solo podrá comprender la intensa experiencia de su propia maternidad escribiendo sobre Alice.
- Una madre que participa en el movimiento homosexual de los años setenta.
- After getting off to a rocky start, two exchange students in Barcelona -- Sun and Lucas -- find themselves falling in love. With only a year to be together, they're determined to make it the happiest one of their lives.
- The husband takes his wife to a swinger club. At first she is reluctant, but later she enjoys more than him and this makes him jealous.
- Raquel and Tomas are an average young couple in love. They will suddenly have to reconsider their relationship when the boy goes to hospital and awaits a liver transplantation.
- Un genio tímido consigue trabajo en su antigua universidad para diseñar el software de un robot.
- Un ex-estafador debe volver a sus viejos hábitos para salvar a su hermano mayor y sobrina de su ex-jefe y mentor.
- Pol, a calm teenager, shares his secret with Deerhoof. He becomes fascinated by Ikari, an enigmatic student, and their routine transforms into a fantastic adventure.
- Manuela y Rosario, hermanas distanciadas por un secreto familiar, se reencuentran cuando los cuidadores de sus nietos, permiten que los niños se conozcan. Al enterarse del conflicto, intentan reconciliar a las familias.
- La rutina ordinaria de Pilar -trabajo, familia y tareas del hogar- se ve interrumpida cuando es despedida, provocando una crisis de identidad. Se aferra a su papel de madre, pero sus hijos adolescentes ya no la necesitan tanto.
- Trash tells the story of several characters that transport us to a social reality that is reflected in our personal relationships: the current culture of disposable relationships.
- Lucia has written a letter for her father on his birthday. Standing before the whole family, she reads the letter thanking him for being such a great dad. But what she innocently describes as gestures of fatherly love have little to do with reality. Behind carefully upheld appearances lies an unspoken and terrible secret.
- Through a portrait of this family, we witness the profound changes that have shaken Spanish society between the 1990s and the present, with the advent of the economic and political crises in the background.
- Cuatro amigos de infancia en matrimonios sin pasión deciden durante una reunión del instituto organizarse para poder engañar a sus mujeres, con la excusa de que el fin es recuperar su pasión perdida por las mismas.
- A middle-age woman recovers from a serious car accident.
- A boy realizes how will his life be in the present and future with or without his crush
- Léa se reúne con la familia para asistir al funeral de su abuelo y descubre la verdadera naturaleza de las relaciones familiares.
- Blog is the surprising tale of a group of teenagers, 15 year-old middle-upper class girls who are well educated, smart, sensitive and savvy. A group of youngsters with a secret plan and a shared purpose, something they believe to be an absolute goal and a universal truth: the need to experience strong emotions to set them apart from the rest.
- Manuel is stuck in a monotonous job, has only one friend that he cannot stand, and his family despises him. Everything will change when the doctor diagnoses him with a rare disease - Manuel is going to turn into an elephant.
- A teenager who abandoned a violent Peru in the 90s, reunites in Montreal with this father, who now has a new Canadian family.
- A handyman named Hans moves to a small town in Majorca where his presence strikes a discord with the local residents.
- María is spellbound as she watches Rubén when she suddenly gets hit in the face with a basketball. But far from apologizing, Rubén and the other guys humiliate her, awakening a fierce thirst for revenge in her and her girlfriends.