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- Après la tragédie d'une émeute du Black Friday, un mystérieux tueur inspiré par Thanksgiving terrorise Plymouth, dans le Massachusetts, le berceau de cette fête tristement célèbre.
- Un esclave devenu gladiateur se retrouve dans une course contre la montre pour sauver son véritable amour, qui a été fiancée à un sénateur romain corrompu. Alors que le Mont Vésuve entre en éruption, il doit se battre pour sauver sa bien-aimée alors que Pompéi s'effondre autour de lui.
- Les six frères et sœurs de la famille Herdman sont considérés comme les pires enfants au monde par leur communauté. Mais quand ils décident de s'en prendre au spectacle de Noël organisé par l'église de la ville, une limite est franchie..
- Un génie criminel déchaîne une forme tordue de justice dans le nouveau chapitre terrifiant de Saw.
- On his eighteenth birthday, Pip receives his grandfather's Second World War memoirs on audio cassette, a gift that awakens the ghosts of the past.
- In this techno-future with a twist, a common domestic psycho-drama is not all it seems. Whether counseling session or virtual reality masochism, an enterprising therapist/technician makes an unexpected change in the program.
- A Hollywood writer becomes embroiled while investigating into the lives of five fictitious actresses all nominated for the Academy Award for best actress.
- A lavish masquerade party in a creepy mansion takes a terrifying turn when a masked killer crashes the party. As the guests get picked off one by one, old grudges and new suspicions threaten everyone's survival.
- After a rich man discovers a grave of a little girl, some unknown force drives him to discover the circumstances of her death. He hires a private eye to do so, and discovers more than he ever imagined.
- A young man adrift in a dream world of nostalgia confronts his arch nemesis in order to save a life and ultimitely creates a new world out of what he loves most - his past.
- Robert (25) runs a very successful illegal business, the buying and selling of drugs. In the height of success he learns that his sister Janice (16) becomes hooked on Heroin. Plagued with the ability to maintain his business or help his sister in her most trying time, Robert must choose what is most important in his life. Filled with family rivalry and the quest to do the right thing, Robert may have gotten himself in too deep this time. It's all just Part of the Game.
- Sam has just accepted a very unusual job: become the assistant to an amoral, immortal, bloodsucking vampire.
- Homeworld: Cataclysm is a stand-alone expansion for the Real-Time Strategy Homeworld. It includes a new race called "The Beast", an alien sort of biomechanical parasite that "converts" any other units that come in close proximity to such "infected" Beast units. There are also new units available, such as the Mimic, a fighter that nearly perfectly imitates other units and objects (even such as asteroids); a Ramming Frigate, which rams itself into hostile ships, and many more new units also. Home-base management has become more complex: If one wants to research new ship classes, one must build a Research Laboratory to do this. If one wants to research a new weapon technology, one must construct yet another Lab. If the player wants to expand his fleet, he must build rooms for his pilots, to support them. All of these add-ons are attached to the "Mothership" (which in this game is actually a large Mining vessel). The Missions' design and scenarios are also new and quite different from as in Homeworld. The controlling user-interface is also improved.
- For uncounted years, DeathSpank has been a Dispenser of Justice, a Vanquisher of Evil, and a Hero to the Downtrodden.