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- Our favorite pastime is now a social experiment. Family and friends barbecue with each other and a lot happens around the fire. And we're not just talking about the delicious food.
- A music game show where contestants move through various challenges with the hope of taking the money, or getting an opportunity to play for the big prize.
- A look at the long history of Knoebel's Amusement Resort in Elysburg, PA. This documentary introduces you to six generations of the Knoebel family and explains how the beloved amusement park made its way from farmland to a recreation area and more.
- An old lady and a house...
- Babette is a collage made of pictures, talks, sounds, poems and music. A video of confrontation, war and art, fiction and documentary, facts and fantasy, experiences and second-hand information. These different poles wander very naturally through the space of this video without disturbing each other or taking itself ad absurdum; no, they stand very close together, because they are closely acquainted.
- The Godly Giemba invites celebrities to sample local foods with him at popular eateries, but with a helping of various Chilli sauces. With each dish, the questions become more personal and the food hotter.
- Bok van Blerk and friend Mark travel extensively to try fishing spots across Africa. They visit a new fishing destination every week to hang out and cook by the water.
- You have to share a two-bedroom house - equipped with food, toiletries, and bedding for only two people - with 50 strangers. After three weeks in these cramped quarters, one of the housemates wins a massive cash prize.
- An actuality show about the true origin of religious sects or cults and how dangerous it can be.
- Niche Farmers offer produce not necessarily considered as normal commercial crops or products. Many niche farmers are people who wanted to try their hand at farming with initially little land and a relatively small capital layout.
- Competitors must carry out a number of cooking and food dish creating challengers, for a chance at the big prize