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- Un'infermiera, un poliziotto, una giovane coppia di sposi ed altri sopravvissuti di un'epidemia che produce zombie cannibali trovano rifugio all'interno di un centro commerciale nel Wisconsin.
- Un ricercatore chimico subisce attacchi personali e professionali quando prende parte alla trasmissione "60 Minutes" e denuncia le multinazionali del tabacco.
- Tom had a big crush on his jock friend Kendrick, but never had the guts to tell him what he really felt for fear of losing their friendship. When Kendrick left the country to migrate to Hawaii, they lost all contact. After 5 years, Kendrick came back to volunteer during the pandemic. Rekindling their friendship online, can Tom finally tell Kendrick about his love for him? A BL / LGBTQ film.
- Five families struggle with the ups and downs of cancer treatment over the course of six years.
- A anti smoking commercial.
- Some scientists challenge the meteor impact theory as the cause of the extinction of the dinosaurs. This program lays out the evidence and considers alternative explanations. The program also points out that many of the plant animal families that are in danger now survived the KT extinction suggesting the beginning of a new mass extinction. But even if we avoid a mass extinction changing climatic cycles will give humans trouble in 10,000 years when a new ice age cause glaciers to expand all over the Earth. Or, for North Americans, the Yellowstone super volcano is overdue to eruption.
- An educational video designed for health teachers, this movie has former tobacco scientist Jeffrey Wigand talking to teens about smoking. The movie has several skits in-between the discussion, including people talking about their smoking problems. It also has several non-smoking advertisements that have been seen on television.
- A study of the wily brown rat, humankind's unwanted companion throughout the world, whose bite on the world's food resources adds to the growing threat of shortage. Film has implicit analogies for all animal behavior, including humanity's.
- Exploring how COVID-19 disrupted and created lasting change across all aspects of human life; individuals who made big life choices and moved to new locations; the increase in multigenerational households; the effect of the pandemic on relationships.
- Everything you need to know about what pandemics got to do with animals is explained in short but great details.
- "May our fight against novel Coronavirus / COVID-19 honor the struggles of those who came before us. Be strong. Be safe. Be well." A mini-film/public service announcement sponsored by Bold World / ReelNATION [us].
- The rise and fall of Gene Therapy.
- Healthy people around the world have been recommended to use face masks as a measure to curb the infection of the Covid-19. But should we all use the face mask?
- The Cornelia crew fights to save its gear from sea ice; Jake risks the far north to fill his tanks before his son's birth; amid news of a pandemic, Russian boats mysteriously disappear and captains race to dock before crab prices crash.
- Gruen is back and putting Coronavirus messaging to the test without shoving a swab up your nose. And why is TikTok advertising on the telly? Also, what's TikTok? Plus a pitch to either love or ditch the office.
- Follow the minute-by-minute aftermath of a hypothetical dirty bomb attack in a small New England city.
- 2010–201745mTV-PG8,0 (215)Episodio TVScientists explore a variety of ways that life may have formed on earth and try to recreate them.