एडवांस सर्च
- शीर्षक
- नाम
- सहभागिता
फिल्टर खोजें
पूरी तारीख दर्ज करें
या बस नीचे yyyy, या yyyy-mm दर्ज करें
इसमें सिर्फ़ चुने गए टॉपिक्स वाले टाइटल शामिल हैं
मिनटों में
1-6 में से 6
- एक oddball पत्रकार और उनके मनोरोगी वकील साइकेडेलिक escapades की एक श्रृंखला के लिए लास वेगास की यात्रा कौतुक।
- दुनिया के सबसे खास हाई-स्टेक पोकर गेम को चलाने वाले ओलंपिक वर्ग के खिलाड़ी मौली ब्लूम की सच्ची कहानी पर आधारित है.
- Underground 2 entails tuning cars for street races, while resuming the Need for Speed: Underground (2003) storyline. The game provides several new features, such as a broader customization, new methods of selecting races and more.
- The documentary compiles interviews of all the top jazz musicians in NYC in the year 1958, for a piece in Esquire magazine.
- In August 1970 600,000 fans flocked to the Isle of Wight to witness the third and final festival to be held on the island. Besides the music, they also got a look at the greed, cynicism and corruption that would plague the music industry for years to come. They also witnessed the final, drugged out performance of Jimi Hendrix in England just two weeks before he would meet a tragic death. When it all was over, the fans view of rock and roll was never the same.
- The story behind the making of the epic album "Bat Out of Hell" by Meatloaf and Jim Steinman.