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- Naama, a young and determined woman, will do everything so that her father can celebrate her wedding day with her just before death separates them.
- Two friends go on a hike to the desert. In the desolate wilderness something hidden comes out in their friendship. From then on, the only way they manage to communicate is sexually and violently. While one of them wants more than the other is able to give, he expresses his frustration by making sure they get lost and have no water - anything to escape from awaiting reality.
- Thursday morning. Zagreb, Jerusalem, London, Cologne, Prague. Five people. Getting up. Going to work. In five cities-hives, like bees. Looking for the sweeter life then the one they are living now.
- Eitan works security in the Dead Sea Works factory. On his way to a night shift he is sexually assaulted by his bus driver, thus begins a dream-like journey on the silent beaches of the Dead Sea.
- During an ugly divorce battle, Oded takes his son to the police station to file a complaint. When his son refuses to go into the station alone, Oded insists on finding a way for his voice to be heard too - even if it means sacrificing his son.
- Love Letters to Cinema is a collection of ten "letters" in the form of short films (4 minutes each), written and directed by ten outstanding Israeli directors. The films and the directors conduct a dialogue, whereas the directors create a short film with their unique voice, bringing to the audience a group of work that reflects on cinema. Love Letters to Cinema is a true collaborative effort. Alongside the directors, over 300 industry professionals and students from the Sam Spiegel school volunteered to take part in the project, whereas their mutual love of cinema creates a colorful and powerful project.
- Two years after his brother's death, Amnon returns to the burnt forest where they last met in order to deal with his own guilt.
- When the physics teacher dies, Leon arrives to replace him. He is full of good intentions, but time and time again he finds himself teaching an empty classroom and his secret is about to be revealed. In high school where every action produces a response. Every comment has a price.
- Brother and sister, Muhand and Rasha, move to a new village and are subjected to ridicule and scorn as the local children know that their mother was murdered by their father in an 'honor killing'.
- 1948 War . Lolek,a young Holocaust survivor arrives in Israel and thrown in the middle of the desert. A stranger to the language and the new identity he is given, he is assigned in an isolated post under a brutal commander and the burning sun. Afflicted by homesickness and the heat, he sets out to look for some shade. "Homeland offers not only a revisionist account of Israeli history, but of Israeli cinema as well. More than any other Israeli director, Dani Rosenberg explores the price paid by the individual for the demands put on them by the Zionist endeavor. Other Israeli filmmakers, no matter how critical of the Zionist project and of Israeli society, tended to mitigate the stress of this demand by placing their protagonists within the context of a collective-commonly represented by a small group of people or a family-and in doing so, submitted their anguish to its impersonal logic. By placing this community outside of the film's frame and by rendering the significance of the struggle against its demands uncertain, Homeland turns that anguish into a challenge to talk about Israeli history.." Prof. Shai Ginsburg/Duke University "Through the story of two Jewish Holocaust survivors, who roast out in the hot dessert sun as the War of Independence rages, Rosenberg tackles issues such as the artificial construct of the "Sabra", and the connection between Jewish and Arab refugees. One of the characters (Itay Tiran) is a most recent immigrant who is actually trying to get to Haifa to find his girlfriend, and finds himself on a lonely hilltop in the middle of the dessert. The other (Mikki Leon) is waiting for him on that hilltop and has already become the Sabra. He is mustached, tan and muscular yet underneath that he is hiding the Diaspora Jew that Zionism tried to exorcise. This surrealistic situation, which recalls Rafi Bukai's film "Avanti Popolo", becomes even more strange and encumbered by the fact that all the dialogue is in Yiddish. The erotic, sadomasochistic relationship between the two- the pale weak Diaspora Jew and the tanned macho commander, express a concrete question about the ways in which, the Jew is attracted, in an almost Fascistic way, to power. The "discovery" of an abandoned Palestinian village by the character portrayed by Itay Tiran, who stumbles upon the body of a local boy, supplies the film with one of its most powerful moments and expresses the Holocaust survivor's attraction to death. The element of violence that the new immigrant identifies with on his way to becoming a "new Jew" leads to a surrealistic departure scene in which the character says good bye to the old Diaspora world. All of a sudden, the timeless discussion of Jewish victimhood is seen in a different light. This is an issue that has been already presented by new historiography of Zionism, but not yet by the contemporary cinema..." The History of Violence, Yair Raveh, Cinemascope
- In Tel Aviv, Yoav receives a visit from Delphine, the girlfriend of Emile, his boyfriend from Paris. Their day together in the city confronts their mutual expectations in the face of a complex Israeli society.
- Fifty years after Slow Down by Avraham Heffner won a prize at Venice Film Festival, top alumni of the Jerusalem Sam Spiegel Film School challenge the 1968 legendary black and white thirteeen-minute short, which penetrates the essence of a quarrel and reconciliation between an elderly couple in Tel Aviv of 1967. The voice over stream of consciousness of the heroine's poignant self-examination serves as the launching pad for six modern-day interpretations of couplehood, laced together in contemporary Israel.
- All Liri has to help her when she finds herself with a flat tire on a remote side road are voice-mails and texts from her late father. As she revisits parts of their relationship, she begins to cope and come to terms with his passing.
- Elka, a new immigrant to Israel from Brooklyn, NY, is finding it hard to deal with her best friend Daniela's wedding. During the 'Shabbos Kallah' event, Elka, who is not always good at keeping her mouth shut, tries to prove in front of all their friends that Daniela will still need her once she's married, especially for her great knowledge about sex. Her provocative remarks ruin the party and force her to ask for forgiveness.
- For years, July hasn't understood why she and her best friend aren't a couple. Now that he has begun a serious relationship, she realizes she could lose him forever and has no choice but to fulfill her fantasy.
- The delicate street life of a group of Russian homeless emigrants is shattered when the "Korean", a violent drug addict, comes along and fights his way into the group. This is the chronicle of the tragic events that followed.
- Dalia gives her young daughter Ella a head lice treatment in the bathroom. When Ella's father arrives unexpectedly to pick her up for his Saturday visit, the intimate lice treatment turns into a divorce battle fought over little Ella's wet head.
- On the way to the market, the Israeli chicken farmer Marziano and his Romanian worker are stopped at a new roadblock. Marziano, the farmer, finds himself confronted with Nabil, a former worker in his stalls, now a police commander. In the burning heat of a merciless sun, it ends in a cockfight.
- Lonely Eitan works nights in painting road lines on the streets of Jerusalem. Seeking for another person's company on a dating-hotline makes him wonder about his own path.
- It's Sabbath eve. Rachel sneaks out of her religious parents' house to go out with her secular friends. On their way to the party an accident happens and Rachel must face the consequences of her decisions.
- Ron, at 22, still lives with his parents. He barely knows the daylight hours and his nights are divided between his job as editor of wedding videos, chats on the Internet and futuristic fantasies. One night all the elements he toys with converge and, for the first time in his life, Ron is willing to risk an in-person human interaction.