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- Dans un monde futur où l'humanité a été mise en danger par des bêtes géantes, une force de frappe est assemblée pour détruire les monstres et sauver le monde.
- Broesel has to make a Werner animation film but right now he has no real ideas for new stories. Thus he simply draws some stories from Werner's youth.
- It is the 2030s. The Boy Detectives Club gathers under Kogoro Akechi, the mysterious detective. The group solves cases great and small using their unique skills. One day, a member of the club, Kensuke Hanazaki, meets the boy Yoshio Kobayashi. Kobayashi's body cannot die due to the effects of the "Unidentifiable Mist," but he yearns for death, and shirks from contact with other people. Taking an interest in him, Hanazaki invites him to join the Boy Detectives Club. Their meeting is connected to the fate tying together Kogoro Akechi, and the era's greatest villain, the Fiend With Twenty Faces.
- Koro-sensei reminisces about his first meeting with Karasuma, where they first butted heads and fought against each other, ultimately coming to respect one another.
- In a traditional Japanese sweets shop in Kyoto works Daijiro Kyogoku, who finds a giant robot in the basement.