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- In "The Last Battle" of World War II in Europe, American and German soldiers join forces at a castle in the Alps to defend high value French prisoners-of-war marked for death by SS troops.
- Bilal, a Muslim high school senior works at his family's long-owned taxi stand. "The Stand," as they call it, has been the source of all activity and money for the family for the last sixty years. It seems like Bílal is about to carry the torch. He secretly submits a college application and takes up the art of ice carving in order to win a scholarship. However, he is forced to decide whether he will continue working at the Stand - the only life he's ever known - or take a chance at social mobility.
- Paddy Chayefsky's 1954 play set in the Bronx tells the story of a recently widowed 66-year-old seeks a job after 40 years if being a homemaker.
- Embarrassed by his large nose, a romantic poet/soldier romances his cousin by proxy.