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- Malu plays a woman held up in their criminal cases boyfriend. Film in the lungs traditions of the genre tells the story of suffering and the sexual outrages innocent girl in jail.
- Deleted and extended scenes from the DVD/Blu-ray of 'The Twilight Saga: Eclipse' (2010).
- A documentary taking you behind the scenes.
- Bonus feature for the Borders edition DVD/Blu-ray of The Twilight Saga: New Moon (2009).
- A businessman organises a caper to steal the Crown Jewels from the Tower of London.
- Edward and Bella's 'homemade' wedding video, included as a bonus feature for the film 'The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn Part 1'.
- Jacob or Edward? Fans, cast, and crew talk about the love triangle on this bonus feature for the film The Twilight Saga: New Moon (2009).
- Side-by-side documentary that runs as the film plays as a bonus feature for the film Drive Angry (2011).
- Deleted scenes on the Target edition DVD/Blu-ray of The Twilight Saga: New Moon (2009).
- Bonus interview with writer Stephenie Meyers on the film Twilight (2008).
- Bonus feature for the film The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn - Parte 1 (2011).
- Bonus feature for the DVD/Blu-ray of the film Patto di sangue (2009).
- Bonus music video for the film The Twilight Saga: New Moon (2009).
- A behind the scenes music video from Linkin Park created for the DVD/Blu-ray of Twilight (2008).
- Bonus feature for the DVD/Blu-ray of the film Patto di sangue (2009).
- Documentary on the making of 'The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn Part 1'.
- Cullen family vampire killings bonus feature for the film Twilight (2008).
- Edward Cullen (_Robert Pattinson_) plays Bella's Lullaby in its complete form for this bonus feature of the film Twilight (2008).
- Bonus feature for the DVD/Blu-ray of the film Patto di sangue (2009).
- Bonus feature of Edward Cullen scenes for the Wal-Mart DVD/Blu-ray of The Twilight Saga: New Moon (2009).
- Bonus feature for the Target Blu-ray/DVD of The Twilight Saga: New Moon (2009).
- Bonus feature for the film Twilight (2008) about the character Bella Swan.