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- Dos ingenieros genéticos esperan alcanzar la fama siendo los primeros en juntar dos líneas de ADN de animales diferentes creando un híbrido con propósitos médicos.
- Dos extraños, que se despiertan en una habitación sin recordar cómo llegaron allí, pronto descubren que son peones en un juego mortal perpetrado por un famoso asesino en serie.
- Enfrentada a un embarazo no planificado, una joven poco convencional toma una decisión inusual.
- La aventura de un hombre con la criada de su familia tiene consecuencias oscuras.
- Una adinerada neoyorquina lucha con la decisión de dejar a su marido infiel, pero ella y sus amigas descubren que las mujeres realmente pueden tenerlo todo.
- Una especialista en arte solitaria que trabaja para una misteriosa y reservada heredera encuentra algo más que su arte digno de ser examinado.
- Dos hermanos judíos huyen de la Europa oriental ocupada por los Nazis en dirección a los bosques de Bielorrusia para unirse a la resistencia y construir un pueblo que proteja a otros judíos civiles.
- Dos hombres desarrollan una extraña amistad mientras cuidan a dos mujeres que están en coma profundo.
- Una empresaria de Miami se adapta a su nueva vida en un pequeño pueblo de Minnesota.
- A young woman tries to find her injured boyfriend in a bizarre and dangerous hospital.
- John Halder, un profesor alemán de literatura en los años treinta, se niega a aceptar las ideas del nazismo. Pero su relación con su familia lo lleva por diferentes direcciones emocionales.
- En la década de los 20, en Viena, una niña recibe una muñeca mágica en Nochebuena.
- La vida de un hombre viudo da un vuelco cuando se embarca en un viaje para encontrar al amor perdido de un moribundo.
- Twelve-year-old Koichi, who has been separated from his brother Ryunosuke due to his parents' divorce, hears a rumor that the new bullet trains will precipitate a wish-granting miracle when they pass each other at top speed.
- A group of close friends who attend a private school all have a debilitating crush on the sunny star pupil, Shen Jiayi. The only member of the group who claims not to is Ke Jingteng, but he ends up loving her as well.
- Students at an elite high school are held captive and forced into a series of sadistic games. They are picked off one by one and held in impenetrable traps where they must rely on the amazing intellects of their classmates to be released.
- The story of admiral Aleksandr Kolchak who remained faithful to his oath to the Russian Emperor and fought against the Bolshevik rule after the 1917 October Revolution.
- It is a Korean boy who went to Japan and started to learn Karate from his brother.
- 40-year-old Sociology professor Hye-jung falls for a 21-year-old Usang, a male student who helps her project research on women's extramarital affair. Their prohibited love and secrets are watched and told by two secretive observers. They are her copy machine and his digital camera.
- El retiro solitario de una escritora para trabajar en su nueva novela se ve interrumpido por extraños sucesos relacionados con la momia desenterrada de su vecina arqueóloga y una inexplicable presencia fantasmal.
- A movie director entices his young friend to come to the beach on the pretext of writing a script. He then starts an affair with the friend's girlfriend.
- Hayasaki is an inventor working on an Artificial Body. It is not going well and he is stressed out and on the verge of being fired from the research division of his company. His doppelganger appears to help him out of the rut he has created for himself.
- 'The Receptionist' is a film based on an illegal massage parlour in London, and follows the lives of the employees and clients as seen through the eyes of a Taiwanese graduate employed as a receptionist.
- 2142: Pollution and climate change wiped out most of Earth's population. Ecoban city is built to withstand this. Suppression results in revolt. A childhood couple find each other as adults on opposing sides.
- Se-jin, who lives in an old apartment in a Seoul suburb, amuses herself by observing the windows of the apartments on the other side. One day, she notices that the lights of some of these apartments are turned off at the very same time.