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- Eine Chronik der New Yorker Drag-Szene in den 1980er Jahren, die sich auf Bälle, das Voguing und die Ambitionen und Träume derjenigen konzentriert, die dieser Epoche ihre Wärme und Vitalität verliehen haben.
- Three generations of women share the same problem--marriage woes--and want to put an end to it.
- Kurz nach dem Zweiten Weltkrieg tritt ein Amerikaner in Deutschland eine Stelle bei der Eisenbahn an. Sein Posten entpuppt sich jedoch als politisch heikel und mehrere Leute versuchen, ihn für ihre Zwecke einzuspannen.
- Recounts the 1985-86 strike against the Hormel Foods Corporation in Minnesota after its employees' wages and benefits were cut.
- Two disc jockeys have a friend's murder to solve in the fringe-group melting pot of 1977 London.
- After World War II, a small French village struggles to put the war behind as the controlling Communist Party tries to flush out Petain loyalists. The local bar owner, a simple man who likes to write poetry, who only wants to be left alone to do his job, becomes a target for Communist harassment as they try and locate a particular loyalist, and he pushes back.
- A well-to-do, shut-in thirty-something faces city life, family secrets and his own quirks when he is finally thrown out by his parents.
- During the Spanish Civil War, a group of comics lightens the days of the Republican troops. Tired of life in the front lines, they make their way to Valencia, accidentally entering enemy land and falling prisoner.
- Auntie Danielle, supposedly in ailing health but in reality just a nasty old bitch, lives with a paid housekeeper who she regularly abuses. When the housekeeper dies falling off a ladder, Danielle moves in with her great-nephew and his family. She continues using her nastiness to manipulate everyone into doing things her way until the family goes on vacation to Greece. The young housekeeper they hire to watch after her knows what Auntie is doing, and deals with her accordingly, and they begin forming respect for each other.
- The two teenagers Jimmy and Rose spend their vacation at the small Irish sea-resort Bray. Out of boredom they observe other people and imagine wild stories about them. One day they observe the blonde Renee, and Jimmy is immediately fascinated by her and even follows her home. She, too, seems to like him, but for a mysterious reason keeps him at a distance.
- Mark Salzman always was interested in Kung-Fu and the Chinese culture, claims to have seen every Kung-Fu movie. 1982, with a degree in Chinese literature, he visits a province university in China for two years to teach Chinese teachers the English language. He learns the refinements of correct behavior among Chinese people, makes friends with his pupils, falls in love with the young doctor Ming, learns Wushu (similar Kung-Fu) from the famous teacher Pan... but also learns about political repression, especially when he's forbidden contact with some of his friends.