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- Music critic Robert Palmer narrates the insightful story of Delta blues and North Mississippi hill country blues.
- The world has loved movies for centuries, but it is the collective experience of watching a film on the big screen that transcends audiences and creates long lasting memories. Cinemas, in particular The Piccadilly Cinema first established in 1940 North Adelaide, South Australia, have touched the hearts of many movie goers. With more and more video on demand services becoming available, many cinemas have found a decrease in attendance. Restoring "the grand old lady" The Piccadilly Cinema, has been essential to make it accessible to everyone and ensure audiences do come back. The owners of the cinema, the Wallis Family, Premier Building Solutions, the trades, theatre patrons, staff, film makers and performers, take us on a journey of love, dedication and passion to "Restoring her former glory" to bring back the ultimate experience of watching films on the big screen.