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- Uma atualização moderna encontra ao famoso detetive e seu parceiro médico resolvendo um crime na Londres do século 21.
- A história se concentra em um respeitado apresentador de notícias cuja carreira é ameaçada depois que ele faz uma piada imprudente.
- Uma mulher acorda todas as noites exatamente às 3h33, no meio da chamada hora do diabo entre 3h e 4h.
- Um prisioneiro no corredor da morte nos EUA e uma mulher presa em um porão sob um vicariato inglês têm seus caminhos cruzados da maneira mais inesperada.
- O intrincado romance de Clare e Henry e um casamento com um grande problema: uma viagem no tempo.
- Na Transilvânia do ano de 1897, um poderoso vampiro arquiteta seus planos contra a Londres vitoriana. Porém, uma freira irreverente e combativa está determinada a frustrar seus planos.
- Seis melhores amigos falam sobre todos os aspectos do sexo e dos relacionamentos em sua busca incessante para encontrar o verdadeiro amor.
- Numa casa isolada no campo, uma família vê-se vítima de jogos cruéis de um psicopata aterrorizante.
- In 1913 Connie Reid marries wealthy Nottingham colliery owner Sir Clifford Chatterley but he returns from the Great War disabled and in a wheelchair. Connie is loyal but begins to feel alienated as he engages a nurse, Mrs Bolton, and excludes her from pit business. Despite his desire for an heir his impotency results in a lack of sexual activity and Connie is drawn to handsome Oliver Mellors, the plain-spoken former miner her husband has engaged as his game-keeper and who represents the passion she craves. They embark upon a physical affair in Oliver's cottage but are discovered and betrayed by Mrs Bolton. Connie, now carrying Oliver's child, must choose between a pampered but joyless existence with her husband or an uncertain future with the man she has come to love.
- Two best friends in their early 30s, with completely opposite personalities. live together. Their girlfriends try to help them take on more responsibilities, but they seldom respond well and usually end up drinking together.
- Tom Jackman, um descendente do Dr. Henry Jekyll, também amaldiçoado com um maligno alter-ego, tenta viver em bons termos com sua metade sombria, ao mesmo tempo em que é perseguido por uma misteriosa organização interessada em sua condição.
- Lives are torn apart and relationships fractured forever when a four-year-old boy goes missing during a neighbourhood barbecue.
- Siga Gabe, um homem comum que trabalha como manipulador de chamadas de emergência para o Scottish Ambulance Service em Glasgow. Um dia ele recebe um telefonema desesperado de uma mulher que parece conhecê-lo.
- Divorcee Gemma finds herself attracted to the roguish charm of Billy, a friend of her son. With her ex hanging around and showing off his new lady, can she resist?
- Follows the story of when a 6-year-old Roald Dahl meets his idol, Beatrix Potter.
- Rosie Molloy is addicted to everything, but after an embarrassing incident at her brother Joey's wedding, she wakes up in hospital and decides to change her life by 'Giving Up Everything'.
- A true story about a couple's struggles to meet the challenges of their son's autism.
- A TV series that follows the Taylor-Chatterjee family, proprietors of a 1980s inspired B&B in Margate.
- Lives of a group of people in their early thirties. The principal plot line revolves around the relationship between Marshall, his girlfriend Clare and her old friend Henry, who remains madly in love with her.
- The story of three women who are involved in adulterous affairs - and Rose, who believes that anyone who sleeps with another's husband is committing a crime against womanhood. Ah, but how long will Rose be able to resist the charms of married photographer Paul...? Will Ray leave Sandy? Will Martin leave Margaret? Is ANY relationship better than NO relationship? And will Rose's erotic pictorial portfolio from Paris be the ultimate downfall of Paul? Stay tuned....
- British astronomer Paul Hamilton leaves London for a new life in a remote Australian settlement.
- A British comedy series following the misadventures of an incompetent lawyer and his bumbling staff at a small law firm, including eager young Colin, timid Bob, and stern Stella.
- A tense tale of Cold War espionage and betrayal. A Russian agent enters England to force a hidden British agent high in the KGB to reveal himself.
- Peter lives with his daughter, Betty, and son-in-law, Brian, but knows that his presence there is uncomfortable for all three.
- Still very much in love, Martin Chadwick and his wife, Julie, are panicking as the wheels come off their lives.