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- Segue il detective Ember Manning deve capire come un incendio in una casa di villeggiatura sia collegato a un giornalista podcast che indaga su un caso irrisolto di persona scomparsa e a un triangolo amoroso illecito.
- Guarda come una storia d'amore "per sempre felici e contenti" si trasforma rapidamente in un incubo vivente.
- Ambientato negli anni '30, seguite le vite scandalose delle sorelle Mitford, che rifiutarono di giocare secondo le regole e fecero notizia in tutto il mondo. Una storia di tradimenti, scandali, sofferenze e persino imprigionamenti.
- Serie TVA shocking scandal at an exclusive private school forces two close friends, Lorna and Juliet, to take sides, exploring mother-daughter relationships, social media pressures, and the dark underbelly of a privileged community.
- Bold and authentic drama set at an elite school where the lines of sexual consent are dangerously blurred. When a serious accusation is made against 'one of their own', how will the school react?
- Serie TV
- Serie TV
- Recently widowed DC Ember Manning suspects there's a predator targeting underage girls. She finds herself reflecting on the age difference between herself and her late husband.
- Reeling from her discovery about the past, Ember offers to help Riz investigate the Amy Knightly case in the hope of finding out what Riz knows.
- Reeling from the discovery of a body in the lake, Ember wrestles with the emerging truth about Mack. As the walls close in on her, Ember reaches breaking point.
- Determined to protect Hannah, Ember must face up to the truth that she may have been married to a murderer. Will Ember finally uncover the truth of what happened to Amy?