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- Dopo un doloroso viaggio attraverso l'Europa, Aleksei arriva a Parigi per unirsi alla Legione Straniera.
- In cerca di lavoro come violinista, Josef entra nell'orbita di una giovane donna ricca. Lo introduce a un'esistenza edonistica libera dall'intolleranza religiosa. Josef ottiene un incarico incredibile: scrivere un'opera per il San Carlo.
- Una rifugiata eritrea nasconde la sua identità di famigerata trafficante di esseri umani, "Madame Luna". Quando è costretta a rimanere in Italia sulla via della libertà, vive le stesse difficoltà subite dalle persone che ha sfruttato.
- Daniele è un giovane che vive a Sant'Erasmo, un'isola della laguna di Venezia. Vive di espedienti ed è emarginato anche dai suoi coetanei, che preferiscono dedicarsi al culto dei loro barchini.
- Gian combatte l'amnesia.Sua figlia Miriam gli regala un diario scritto poco più che ventenne, incentrato su Leila, il suo primo amore. Questo aggrava il dolore di Gian ma lo spinge a ritrovare se stesso e a vivere una rivelazione.
- Focused on the world of wealthy Qatari sheikhs with a passion for amateur falconry, 'The Challenge' combines cinematic beauty with rare access and trailblazing form. Here, the opulence of Qatar is on full display, as the men race SUVs up and down sand dunes, fly their prized falcons around on private jets, and take their pet cheetah out for desert spins in their souped-up Lamborghini.
- Gli sforzi di un esule marocchino per tornare a Casablanca, dopo che le sue speranze di costruire un futuro migliore in Europa sono state deluse.
- Mariam Bin Laden is going to swim across the English Channel. This represents not only an athletic challenge, but a symbolic and ardent dream: to give a second chance to her family, to inspire and empower Arab women to go after their dreams, as well as to promote awareness for one of the most important issues of our time, refugees in dire need who are forced everyday to cross boundaries to survive. From 1875 on, more than 2000 people have already managed to cross the Strait of Dover, but many more have failed. This performance is to swimmers what Everest is to mountaineers: a legend. Mariam first heard about this discipline from her mother when she was 11. She told her about Abdellatief Abouheif (1929-2008 Alexandria), the first Arab man to cross the English Channel. That story stuck to Mariam's mind when she was a child and now, 20 years later, it's become her own dream. Mariam's last name is Bin Laden: a surname that still scares. Osama Bin Laden was one of Mariam's 52 uncles. Bin Laden is a difficult name to carry. But the fact that a black sheep in the family did what he did shouldn't stain their family's honor, a family that did and still does a lot for Saudi Arabia's progress and welfare. Mariam dives into the water and there she goes. She's not yet swimming in the English Channel. She's swimming in the Thames, 225 km north of London. Ramadan will be underway in just a few days making her journey all the more challenging. She has 10 days to reach the capital of England, a performance that will make her the first woman to swim down the Thames...An excellent training for Miriam in view of the Channel challenge.
- On the occasion of the return of a young man from abroad, a group of seven people from 1930s Athens, who have been lost for many years, decide to get together again to remember the old days and to get to know each other better.
- The story of an actress devoured by her own icon. Alternating archive footage of Anita Ekberg with the story of a contemporary star, Monica Bellucci retraces Anita's frailties and chooses, reflecting on what it feels like to be an icon.
- Vicino a Gaza, la famiglia Samouni si sta preparando a celebrare un matrimonio, la prima festa dall'ultima guerra. Tra i loro ricordi si fa il ritratto della famiglia prima, durante e dopo l'evento che ha cambiato le loro vite per sempre.
- Christopher Clark, an eco-warrior, has established his unique Outpost of Progress in the heart of the Amazon rainforest - a utopian society based on the perfect balance between nature and technology, run and safeguarded by the forest's dwellers. Unfortunately, the situation is getting worse every year, and a new wildfire now threatens to destroy the Outpost. In a daring bid to capture the world's attention about the impending catastrophe and to urge the Brazilian government to create a protective reserve, Chris decides to take a bold gamble: organizing a spectacular Pink Floyd concert amid the verdant inferno. After all, in the mind of a dreamer, the realm of possibilities knows no bounds.
- From Facebook thumbs up to the battle of stones, a history of hope, fear, despair, anger, pride and elation, the film is the real-time chronicle of the two most exciting weeks in the history of modern Egypt as lived by their protagonists. Since the 25th of January 2011, together with thousands of other Egyptian citizens, No ha, Ahmed and Essayed have been involved in a massive movement of street protest for political freedom. Day after day, sleepless night after sleepless night, until the capitulation of the defeated pharaoh, the film follows these young and unexpected heroes along their shattering fight to conquer their freedom.
- They are doing everything in their power to silence him, but his lonely mission is to preserve the authentic history of China from oblivion.
- Nato in Grecia, vissuto a Venezia, sposato a Taranto e ucciso a New York, dove ha inseguito per vent'anni il sogno americano. Giacomo Abruzzese ricostruisce la storia del nonno Claudio.
- An Italian woman begins to doubt the sincerity of the feelings of her fiancé, a Moroccan immigrant, days before their wedding.
- One day, Pasquale decides to change his name and be called Tony. Because despite being born in Bari in the mid-60s, he crossed the ocean with his family at 9 years of age and grew up as a real American, all hot dogs and rockabilly. He has never been back to Italy until when, now a taxi driver in Yuma, he's arrested on account of his side hustle - smuggling illegal immigrants into the US across the Mexican border. He is therefore forced to make a choice: jail in Arizona or deportation to Italy. Once back in Puglia, he finds himself living alone in a cave at Polignano a Mare, looking at Italy as a small, inert country, with no opportunities and no dreams. But Tony is not willing to give up.
- In the heart of Rome, overlooking St. Peter's, stands a Palace. The owner, like a Renaissance patron, over the years offers asylum to an eclectic community of friends who transform every corner into a permanent film set. Mauro, the most charismatic of the group, directs the condos in a visionary film, gradually isolating himself from the outside world until he no longer leaves the Palazzo. At the moment of his untimely death, the group of friends reunites, called to receive as an inheritance the thousands of hours filmed of the unfinished masterpiece in which they all took part. A legacy that shakes the sleepy spirit of the group and confronts everyone with their youthful dreams, in a tragicomic novel of formation out of time.
- A river. A young boy who plays and gets lost in the woods. A naked man who wanders among the trees. A weapon. An illegal hunter. A police officer. A crime from the past. An old gold prospector. Real people, who go about their daily lives in a natural theatre where reality takes on the qualities of a fairy tale, a crime novel, a coming-of-age story. Five men at different stages of life who never meet yet are all part of one, unique, suspended narration.