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- El masajista/espadachín ciego llega a un pueblo en el que controlan las pandillas en guerra, y mientras se refugia con una familia de agricultores, conoce a dos mujeres con su propia agenda.
- Nishi, atormentado por las dificultades personales y profesionales a las que se enfrenta, abandona la policía. Al caer en depresión, toma decisiones cuestionables.
- Un muchacho joven e ingenuo emprende el camino solo en busca de su madre rebelde. No tarda en encontrar un dudoso protector en un hombre cascarrabias, y ambos viven una serie de aventuras inesperadas en el camino.
- Una película colectiva de 33 cortos dirigidos por diferentes directores que narra los sentimiento de ellos por el cine.
- Una historia de amor violento en un período de tiempo que va del 2001 al 2017.
- Cuatro historias independientes ambientadas en China moderna sobre actos de violencia al azar.
- El jefe de un importante sindicato del crimen le ordena a un hombre acabar con una banda de traficantes de drogas.
- Un gángster japonés se exilia en Los Ángeles, donde su hermano vive con una pequeña pero respetable pandilla multirracial, a quien inspira para expandir su influencia.
- La vida de una pareja joven, con discapacidad auditiva y deprimente se anima después de que el chico se interese por el surf.
- Cinco años después de la guerra entre los clanes Sanno y Hanabishi, el antiguo jefe yakuza Otomo vive en Corea del Sur tratando de mantener un perfil bajo. Pero la sombra de su pasado es alargada y no tardará en alcanzarle.
- Dropping out of high school, two friends at first find success, one as a up-and-coming boxer and one as a low level gangster. Yet, their life decisions still find a way of catching up with them.
- A theatre troupe from rural Fenyang struggles under the decline of communism and rise of popular culture in China in the 1980s.
- Obsessed with the idea of owning his first car so he can have sex in it, a young man takes any job he can find and ends up in an escalating series of crazy situations.
- Two unemployed Chinese teenagers have trouble resisting the temptations of the Western world.
- Machisu is a painter. He never had the success he thinks he is entitled to. Regardless of this, he always remains trying to be successful. His wife Sachiko keeps supporting him, despite all setbacks.
- An executed samurai takes an existential journey throughout time, space and eternity in search of bloody vengeance.
- Three stories of never-ending love.
- An investigations on murder didn't reach to any results, until a journalist discover new information that get on the trail of the criminal.
- As the police launch a full-scale crackdown on organized crime, it ignites a national yakuza struggle between the Sanno of the East and Hanabishi of the West.
- Ryuzo and the Seven Henchmen (2015) is about the story of Ryuzo and the Seven Henchmen who love derby race want to do the last battle with Yakuza guys.
- When a factory is being torn down in Chengdu, China, workers reflect on their experiences and the importance of the factory in their lives.
- The life of Tao, and those close to her, is explored in three different time periods: 1999, 2014, and 2025.
- Beat Takeshi, a prominent actor, meets a lookalike named Kitano, who is a struggling actor, but after the meeting, Kitano's dreams take a violent, surreal turn.
- Takeshi Kitano plays a version of himself in which he's a struggling director cycling through a number of different genres in an effort to complete his latest project.
- A young man, Kazuo, joins a new cult religion even though he sees through the initial recruitment pretense, and participating in the activities of a new social phenomenon, some of whose members genuinely believe in the principles and practice as preached, while others have more Machiavellian motives.