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- 2022 Webby Honoree 'Brown and Black' is a new podcast exploring the convergence of race and pop culture, hosted by two diverse voices, one Latinx and one Black, to rethink how pop culture news and opinion are conveyed in America today.
- Los grandes avances científicos se dan a base de prueba y error, pero a veces los errores son los que dan más de qué hablar. Aqui abarcaran, con su ya conocido estilo de investigaciones profundas y humor, los momentos históricos de la ciencia que fueron tan horripilantes, notorios o fantásticos que se ganaron el título de Experimentos Legendarios.
- Hosted by Carmen and Fryda for celebrating all things cuban-american.
- Weekly feel-good podcast hosted by comedienne Rachel La Loca, that moves the LatinX community forward with a helping of jokes on the side. You can find weekly news bites, inspiring chats, and enlightening interviews with culture shifters.
- 2021–Episodio di PodcastThe fascinating story of Tejano queen Adelita Paz and the compromises she must make to go after her crossover dream of becoming a famous pop star. /