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- 15 April 2019: during the celebration of Easter's Monday, the most famous cathedral in the world burns. Notre dame is set on fire in few minutes and for firemen start the battle.
- 79 d.C. Pompei was covered by eruption of Vesuvio, killing hundreds of people. Survey on the "Fugitives".
- Scopri un nuovo sito preistorico in Irlanda, che fornisce nuove informazioni sul sito di Stonehenge.
- Save the Earth from plastic with this DIY crafting series of easy-to-make, eco-friendly party favors and school gadgets. Watch and learn how to make jeans pencil cases, paper jewelry beads, reusable sandwich bags, and more. Plastic water bottles, straws, and bags might be part of your everyday life. But that single-use plastic doesn't disappear when you're done with it: Most ends up in the ocean, where it can entangle animals or make them sick. Watch this DIY series of eco-friendly crafts and Save the Planet from plastic.