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- Una giovane coppia, i cui sogni si avverano quando ereditano una bella casa di campagna, solo per scoprire che sta cadendo a pezzi e abitata da molti dei precedenti residenti deceduti.
- Un gruppo di spiriti litiga irrequieti in una casa di campagna abbandonata.
- Judith, Suzie e Becks iniziano un'indagine. Per aiutare le indagini ufficiali, dirette da Tanika, devono sospettare dei testimoni e affrontare un pericolo reale mentre lavorano contro il tempo per fermare l'assassino sulle sue tracce.
- Nella Londra del 18esimo secolo, Margaret Welles, la tenutaria di un bordello, deve crescere le sue figlie in un ambiente poco ortodosso.
- Segue una piccola città del Regno Unito chiamata Sanctuary, dove la vita quotidiana è scossa da accuse di omicidio dopo che un ragazzo viene scoperto morto a causa di un incidente.
- Antoine Verlaque, giudice istruttore di Aix-en-Provence, insieme alla sua romantica partner Marine Bonnet, indaga sugli omicidi, i misteri e la parte più oscura della loro idilliaca casa nel sud della Francia.
- Segui Becca e Rosaline, due sorelle che si erano allontanate, ma che attraverso eventi tragici imparano di nuovo ad amarsi e rispettarsi.
- Serie TVTwo skilled confidence tricksters separated by a 10-year prison sentence.
- Stephen Richards ha costruito un impero della cosmesi, ma quando viene colpito da un ictus, i segreti e le bugie della sua famiglia vengono a galla e il futuro della sua azienda multimilionaria è in gioco.
- Antoine and Marine put their weekend getaway plans on hold when there's a murder at the local university.
- After falling down the stairs and suffering a concussion, Sam now sees the ghosts but believes she is seeing things. The ghosts try to think of ways to convince her they really are there.
- A young couple inherit a country mansion. They move in and plan to turn it into a bed and breakfast. However, the house is also occupied by ghosts, who are dead set against the idea.
- A love affair seems to be at the heart of a young woman's death in the nearby town of Éguilles and might be connected to the discovery of an older woman's body in a vineyard, kilometers away.
- Marine helps Antoine and Hélène investigate the death of an aristocrat, found dead at his crumbling chateau. But just when the team think they've got their suspects nailed, another body is found.
- When Thorfinn's bones are discovered on the property, he asks Sam to conduct the traditional Viking funeral he's always wanted; Sam and Jay are torn when they learn that the bones could be sold to a museum for a lot of much-needed cash.
- Sam and Jay invite Henry and Margaret to a dinner party to woo them into allowing the bed and breakfast; the ghosts are desperately eager to be included on the guest list.
- Pete gets a visit from his living wife only to discover she's hiding a secret from him; Sasappis gets angry when Thorfinn binge-watches their favorite show without him; Trevor learns he may have a daughter.
- The ghosts try to help Sam and Jay protect their home from the neighborhood kids who annually vandalize the house on Halloween.
- Sam chiede aiuto ai fantasmi per ottenere una buona recensione da una coppia troppo critica che alloggia nel bed-and-breakfast. Isaac cerca di integrare Nigel nel suo gruppo di amici.
- When Sam is commissioned to write an article about Flower and her friends holding up a bank during their commune days, Flower begs Sam not to accept the job because she's embarrassed about a part of the story she's never revealed.
- Following sudden and devastating circumstances in the Richards family, Nina and Simon are brought back to the UK. A surprising turn of events regarding the future of Flair and Glory brings the reunited family into collision.
- Tensions continue to brew. Claudia furiously works to regain Flair and Glory for her family. Meanwhile, as Nina acquaints herself with the business, a social media complaint against the company spirals, and she makes a shocking discovery.
- As the Richards gear up for the biggest event of the year, news of the embezzlement comes as a blow. Gus receives some awaited information. Andre uncovers a fact that will have big ramifications for Nina.
- Andre finds an investor for Claudia. Meanwhile, Nina and Claudia vie for shareholders' votes. A damning article leaves Nina exposed. An uncomfortable truth surfaces for Wanda, while Nina continues her search for the missing money.