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- A cinematic exploration of jazz dance, paying homage to its lineage, celebrating its many reinterpretations and through a fast-moving kaleidoscope of movement and music will inspire the dancer of tomorrow to keep this art form alive.
- Serie TVSegui un millennial smemorato mentre affronta strani amori, carriere difficili e sfide di amicizia con i suoi migliori amici, quando si rendono conto che la sua dimenticanza è più grave di quanto immaginassero.
- Serie TVL'insegnante di Philadelphia Troy Hudson Jr. è stato incarcerato dopo una protesta. Troy e i giovani detenuti fuggono con l'aiuto dell'agente Helen e dell'agente William Ridley.
- Over the course of one year, Primera tells the story of the social uprising that evolved into a nation-wide movement, ending with the historic plebiscite that paved the way for the writing of a new constitution.
- At a birthday party, things escalate after a Latino father pressures his grown son to play the trumpet for his guests.
- "The Tears That Touch The Sun" is an evocative visual poem that follows Antoinette's pursuit of Ambroise, her beloved, in an industrial European port after their separation by the ocean. As they navigate this ruthless frontier between worlds, they wish to share a last dance on the shore before the sun rises on their faces and reality.