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- Beginning March 4th, 2021, we showcased 4 stories of successful Italian women who chose to build their careers in the US. By presenting short documentaries of each woman, we aim to inspire women - everywhere - to celebrate each other. Our focus begins with great Italian women. While the series has kicked off in 2021, we hope the success of this installment will encourage collaboration in future years - with the possibility of creating a database of Italian women. "One Of Us" produced in collaboration with Frequency Production and We Do It Together, is a 37-minute long documentary directed by founder Chiara Tilesi-starring Stefania Spampinato (Actress), Elisa Sednaoui (Social Entrepreneur), Assia Grazioli-Venier (Venture Capitalist), and Cinzia Zuffada (Scientist). These four episodes highlight the life journey of each fascinating woman-each persevering through cultural barriers to create a life in Los Angeles. This project would not have been possible without the help of Silvia Chiave (Producer), Alice Braccini (Producer), Elena Maro (Composer), Scott Dawson (Editor), John Rosario (Director of Photography), and the rest of the cast and crew.
- 2019–2023Episodio TVElisa Sednaoui Dellal condivide il suo percorso di riforma dell'istruzione e di come, da modella e attrice, utilizzi la sua piattaforma per portare luce sul sistema educativo.