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- In einer dunklen, regnerischen Nacht wird in einem historischen und altehrwürdigen chinesischen Kino der letzte Film gezeigt. Mitarbeiter und Besucher nehmen Abschied: "Goodbye, Dragon Inn".
- Kang lebt allein in einem großen Haus, Non in einer kleinen Wohnung in der Stadt. Sie treffen sich und gehen auseinander, ihre Tage verlaufen wie zuvor.
- Der Genfer Privatbankier Yvan De Wiel begibt sich mitten in der Diktatur nach Argentinien, um seinen über Nacht verschwundenen Partner, um den sich die schlimmsten Gerüchte ranken, zu ersetzen.
- Es ist eine ruhige Darstellung einer homosexuellen Beziehung zwischen zwei Männern in ihrem Lebensabend.
- Docu-drama about Portuguese social life in the countryside during the busy month of August
- Lisa zieht aus. Mara bleibt zurück. Während Kisten geschoben und Schränke aufgebaut werden, tun sich Abgründe auf und eine emotionale Achterbahn setzt sich in Bewegung.
- Focuses on five hospitals in northern Paris neighborhoods. It reveals that human flesh is an extraordinary landscape that exists only through the gaze and attention of others.
- A pair of estranged offspring visit their parents in an abandoned Mexican village.
- 2069, ein erotisches Jahr, wenn es je eines gab, aber ein verhängnisvolles Jahr für einen König ohne Krone.
- Das historische Drama "Au Crépuscule" spielt 1948 in Litauen und handelt von Ounté, einem 19-jährigen Jungen, der Leidenschaft und Gewalt erlebt, nachdem er sich einer Gruppe von Partisanen angeschlossen hat.
- Mature women talk about their wedding, their first time, their intimate relationship with sex. In repeating these age-old rituals, the director questions her own condition as an unmarried woman with no children, and therefore the end of a mother-daughter chain-relationship.
- Recording the everyday was always a way of relating to the world. One night the rape happened and everything changed, although the search continued. When revisiting these images, a dialogue arises between light and darkness, while the strangeness remains before the world.
- After they fled the war in Syria, the Suleyman family was scattered across Europe. Lazgin lives with his family in Ukraine, but his brother Koshnhav is in Germany, while a third brother is in Kurdish Iraq, and a fourth remains in Syria. This Rain Will Never Stop follows Lazgin's son Andriy, who is now a volunteer with the Red Cross and dealing with another military conflict, this time in Ukraine. Whether to escape the war or help relieve the suffering on site-such is the dilemma that Andriy struggles with during a visit to his brother in Germany and an emotional reunion with relatives in Iraq. After the sudden death of his father, Andriy decides to accompany the body back to Syria. Andriy's journeys are interspersed with footage of humanitarian relief efforts, displays of military strength, festive gatherings, and slices of everyday life-like an endless cycle of war and peace, in striking black-and-white cinematography. A dark atmosphere and the sparingly supplied information emphasize the grief and uncertainty within a war-torn family.
- Documentary that captures the intimacy of the director's family during a Mediterranean cruise with them, reflecting on old age, family and memory.
- A woman whose son does not want to carry out her burial wishes after her death. The widow of a young construction worker who brings his ashes to the village of his ancestors. A painter who loses a love only met late in life. The connections between the fates of these characters, whose stories abruptly succeed one another, only become clear over time. At the centre of the episodically linked stories in MEMORYLAND stands death and all the rituals that accompany the end of life. Such rituals are intended for the peace of both the dead and the living, but even they are not left untouched by changes in society. Skilfully composed images - a bowl of rice full of ants, an empty hammock, rotting fruit - also speak of grief and mortality, but the film also does not shy away from more mundane moments, such as when the costs of a traditional burial are broken down into specifics. Change is also made perceptible through the juxtaposition of rural and urban life: on the one hand Hanoi, with its countless construction sites and constant stream of cars; on the other the almost abandoned, run-down village. The old life still exists, but only in the land of memories.
- Txomin, an unemployed Basque archaeologist, is commissioned to carry out a survey on Mars. With his brother Gene at the wheel, they set off from Eibar on an adventure through northern Spain.
- Atahualpa works at the construction of a road to Oriente. In the region there is a rumor of a vast treasure hidden. After his girlfriend left the city, Atahualpa feels a provocation, a distant call that takes him back hundred years.
- On July 12th 1969, during the bull run of San Fermín, a bull killed H by goring him in the heart. Today the ghosts of H drink, laugh and dance in the same streets trying to escape from a body that is coming to an end.
- Approaching forty, Vicente, a hardened rocker-loser-celibate, still lives with his grandmother. When his grandmother commits suicide, Vicente decides to live with her corpse for a few days until he receives his retirement money. At the same time, he accepts a job selling graduation party photo albums, which will introduce him to a constellation of women who will turn his life around.