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- During the 1976 dictatorship in Argentina, more than 500 babies were kidnapped and relocated to new families by the Armed Forces. Each episode portrays a story linked to the restitution of the identity of these children.
- When Julia flees her house after leaving her partner, she seeks asylum for a month at Juana's.
- "When the Spring awakes, she's released from the dream" is the daily story of Eugenia and Ulises, mother and son. Eugenia is an actress and Ulises is an only child, who has an inherited genetic alteration and a particular relationship with the world of others. Ulises has to face challenges that will push him to grow up.
- The only and best movie podcast in the world. With Santiago Calori and Fiorella Sargenti.
- Todo el mundo sueña con un encuentro cercano que le cambie la vida (y su percepción del universo). ¿Sabías que hay puntos del planeta donde es más probable avistar un OVNI? En Turismo Alien, conoce los puntos favoritos de los viajeros extraterrestres. ¡Prepara tu maleta y tu cámara.