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- Um olhar sobre a vida da poetisa Nikki Giovanni e os períodos históricos revolucionários pelos quais ela viveu, desde o Movimento dos Direitos Civis até Black Lives Matter.
- The joyful hand games played by Black girls from generation to generation.
- In 1937, tens of thousands of Haitians and Dominicans of Haitian descent were exterminated by the Dominican army, on the basis of anti-black racism. Fast-forward to 2013, the Dominican Republic's Supreme Court stripped the citizenship of anyone with Haitian parents, retroactive to 1929, rendering more than 200,000 people stateless. Elena, the young protagonist of the film, and her family stand to lose their legal residency in the Dominican Republic if they don't manage to get their documents in time. Negotiating a mountain of opaque bureaucratic processes and a racist, hostile society around, Elena becomes the face of the struggle to remain in a country built on the labor of her father and forefathers.
- In Mexico, a community grieves the loss of three children to a rare cancer. A group of women discovers radioactivity in their water, leading to a confrontation with local authorities as they seek answers and justice.
- After a period of intense stress, one woman felt so drained, she couldn't help herself. By taking care of her plants, she learned about the importance of caring for herself and that gave her the power to regain control of her own life.
- The Changing Same Episode 1 is an immersive, episodic experience uses time travel and magical realism to pilgrimage through the evolution of racial violence in the U.S.