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- Baseado no livro de H.G. Bissinger, que descreveu a cidade economicamente deprimida de Odessa, no Texas, e seu heróico time de futebol americano, The Permian High Panthers.
- Oito equipas de dois talentosos padeiros caseiros competirão e criarão doces excepcionais para desafios temáticos a fim de ganhar um prêmio em dinheiro.
- Karamo Brown gives authentic and insightful advice to each of his guests while exploring a variety of subjects, including infidelity, race, parenting, family dynamics and more.
- It tells the story of the Cabbage Patch Kids and how they set the wheels in motion for modern-day Black Friday.
- 2007– 45mTV-14Episódio de TVKenzie knows Duaine cheated with a woman, but she believes he is also cheating with men, including his best friend; Donella says her husband James accuses her of cheating every day, and she is determined to prove to him that she has been a faithful wife;
- 2007– 45mTV-14Episódio de TVJessica and Robert agree that her baby may not be his; Dustin says he saw messages from his wife telling another man that she loved him, so he thinks he may not be her kids' dad; after a one-night stand, a woman, who Jerry met online, says her baby is his;
- 2007– 45mTV-14Episódio de TVSherod says his children told him that their mother's boyfriend had beaten them, locked them in a room for hours and sexually assaulted one of them; Kayda contacted everyone in her ex-boyfriend's family and told them that he is a pedophile;
- Rick punches, slaps, and head-butts Sarah because she lied about sleeping with other men, and he suspects she lied about being raped; shortly after finding out that his girlfriend, Kari, was raped, Cody found out she was also pregnant;
- 2007– 45mTV-14Episódio de TVJoseph believes that his friend, Chloe, stole $900 from him, while he was hospitalized; Crystal says Antonio ended their 30-year friendship by stealing $300 from her.
- 2007– 45mTV-14Episódio de TVJapena has a gut feeling that her boyfriend, Anthony, cheated with her best friend, Ayanna; A.J. accuses his baby mama, Jackie, of being unfaithful and deleting surveillance footage that he believes held evidence of her infidelity;
- 2007– 45mTV-14Episódio de TVClifton and Sarah's parental rights were terminated, after a neighbor reported that one of their young children was forced to stay outside unattended for hours at a time; Rosa woke early one morning and discovered that her son had passed away;
- 2007– 45mTV-14Episódio de TVIngrid says that her soul mate constantly degrades her and accuses her of prostitution; a few hours after Bruce kicked Sharice out of the house, he woke up to find both of his cars on fire; Kaitlin says she's cheated on her baby daddy 10 to 16 times;
- 2007– 45mTV-14Episódio de TVSierra was shocked to learn that her brother is accused of molesting her daughter; Karen and her daughter Joenisha accuse each other of molestation and allowing others to sexually abuse a child;
- 2007– 45mTV-14Episódio de TVLottie was desperate for answers, after her son, Drevon, disappeared and now suspects that his girlfriend, AJ, may have been involved in his murder;
- 2007– 45mTV-14Episódio de TVCrystal and Steven's marriage is in shambles as she admitted to cheating on him with multiple members of his family; Jeremiah says that he heard rumors that his lifelong partner, Tyniah, had sex with another man, and now he questions his entire relationship;
- 2007– 45mTV-14Episódio de TVSteve recaps two unforgettable stories involving molestation and provides even more powerful updates;
- Ex-cheater Giovanni lives with daily accusations of infidelity; Trisha says her fiancé's accusations and denigration are ruining their relationship; Stacey demands to marry her unemployed boyfriend, who constantly accuses her of cheating;
- 2007– 45mTV-14Episódio de TVTameka and Jerry's relationship has devolved into fights, restraining orders, and jail time since she began accusing him of molesting her children; Porsha's daughter says "the bad people" sexually and physically abused her;
- 2007– 45mTV-14Episódio de TVMelody found herself accused of inviting a 14-year-old boy into her home for sex; she took a plea deal and must register as a sex offender, negatively impacting the lives of her own two children;
- 2007– 45mTV-14Episódio de TVToni's family members accuse her of physically abusing her son and molesting her younger sister; when Nischelle was 5 years old, her mother found her naked in bed with her adult brother;
- 2007– 45mTV-14Episódio de TVAlaster says that Erica became so desperate to have a baby that she lied to him about being pregnant and cheated on him in order to get pregnant faster; Kimesha says that a message she received on social media is destroying her marriage;
- 2007– 45mTV-14Episódio de TVIesha posted online a sexually explicit message her young niece received from her mother's acquaintance; someone Anthony knows has hacked several of his social media and email accounts and, posing as him, chatted with underage girls;
- 2007– 45mTV-14Episódio de TVAfter a bitter custody battle, Jason had left the state with his 1-year-old son, and the boy had soon suffered first, second, and third degree burns to parts of his body; Jason and his girlfriend, Jessica, contend that it was an accident, but the child's grandmother and aunt think that the burning was intentional;