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- Ein trauernder Therapeut beginnt, seinen Klienten genau das zu sagen, was er denkt. Er ignoriert seine Ausbildung und seine ethischen Grundsätze und stellt fest, dass er das Leben der Menschen stark verändert - auch sein eigenes.
- Historische Figuren, die geklont und in die Highschool zurückversetzt wurden, darunter Abraham Lincoln, Kleopatra, Jeanne d'Arc, John F. Kennedy und andere, müssen sich den Prüfungen eines normalen Teenagers stellen.
- FernsehserieA comedy revolving around an author's intricate bond with his daughter, set against the backdrop of a college campus.
- Eine Gruppe von Highschool-Schülern mit überdurchschnittlichen Leistungen stellt sich ihrer größten Herausforderung - einem Lehrer, der möchte, dass sie sich weniger auf ihre Noten als vielmehr auf ihre Lebenserfahrung konzentrieren.
- FernsehserieFocuses on two 30-year-old best friends without children who decide to "go in" on a baby together and adjust to life as new, platonic parents.
- Fernsehserie
- As the debate team acclimates to the slightly unconventional methods of their new teacher, Alicia, friendships are tested when invites to the house party of the year finds only some of them making the exclusive list.
- As the school play approaches, Alicia helps Miles step out of his comfort zone to audition. After Sarah finally agrees to hang, Terrell's friends make him question whether it's really a date.
- As the debate team dodges unwanted attention, Luke tries to correct the situation, Alicia goes to great lengths to convince Robyn to lead the group, and Terrell attempts to recruit Sarah in hopes of spending more time with her.
- After accidentally ruining Elliot's date, Alicia becomes his profile guru. Meanwhile, Makayla's girls' night leads to unintended fallout with Luke, and Miles becomes Principal Maris' apprentice - but for the most unexpected reason.
- While Luke and Terrell seize a lucrative sneaker opportunity, the girls learn how to control their own narrative, and Alicia confronts her greatest challenge yet: PTA moms.
- When Elliot's public reading of Sarah's poem tanks, Alicia rethinks her tendency to meddle in the affairs of others. Miles, Robyn, and Luke attempt to go phone-less.
- The group offers Miles advice on asking Griffin to the Winter Formal, while Alicia considers her future at the school after an unscheduled meeting with the superintendent.
- Realizing that she's over-hyped - but under-prepared - her team, Alicia aims to course correct ahead of their first debate. Luke learns that landing a popular kid's endorsement is harder than running for class treasurer.
- Robyn's dreams come true when she lands a gaming manager, but a concerned Miles tasks himself with investigating their legitimacy. Makayla's attempt to make positive local change backfires.
- After qualifying for the World Debate League Invitational, the team scrambles to secure funding for the tournament.
- 2024– 50mTV-MA7,9 (899)FernsehepisodeYancy und Rosa setzen ihre Suche nach weiteren Informationen über Nick fort. Caitlin konfrontiert Eve, was zu einer schockierenden Enthüllung führt.