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- Amidst the Boshin War's brutal conflicts, a motley squad of criminals and samurai undertakes a desperate defense of a fortress, their stand triggered by clashing interests of the Shibata clan, the shogunate, and the new government.
- Four English women, after World War I, who are unhappy with their lives, and their time away on vacation in a beautiful Italian villa.
- A former professional wrestler is hired to be the bodyguard/nanny for a couple of bratty kids whose inventor father is being stalked by a rival.
- Com um estrangulador em série à solta, um contador vagueia pela cidade em busca do grupo de vigilantes com a intenção de capturar o assassino.
- Para se infiltrar na yakuza, um ex-policial com sede de vingança faz amizade com um dos membros mais desequilibrados da organização.
- A young man whose sickly grandfather has taught him a secret form of Kung Fu, starts to make a living off of his unique fighting style, only to attract the attention of his grandfather's mortal enemy.
- Quando Nami adoece, os Chapéus de Palha procuram atendimento médico para ela na Ilha de Drum. Lá eles conhecem o médico rena Tony Tony Chopper e os piratas de Wapol.
- A revolução está tomando forma em Alabasta, mas os Chapéus de Palha e a Princesa Vivi sabem a verdade: é tudo um plano criado por Crocodile.
- Koji runs a second-hand bookstore. He likes female drummer Ikka, but, suddenly, female high school student Misaki appears in front of him and keeps confessing her feelings for him.
- Episode of Sky Island is a TV Special of the One Piece anime. It is a retelling of the Sky Island Saga, particularly Skypiea Arc.
- Relaxing on a cozy beach, the Straw Hat Pirates are taking a rest from their quest. Right until Luffy noticed the Going Merry has been hijacked and sailed off from the beach. This leads them to search the ship and find the thief who took it from them. They ran into a duo named the Theif Brothers, who informed them that their ship was stolen by a group of pirates called the Trump Kyoudai. When they encountered the Trump Pirates, Nami ended up getting kidnapped as well as Luffy's hat. They tracked down the pirates to their base on Clockwork Island. Now Luffy, Zoro, Sanji, Usopp, and the Theif Brothers must reclaim the Going Merry, Save Nami, and get back Shank's straw hat.
- 2005 years ago in India, a boy named Siddhartha Gautama of the kingdom Shakya is born. At that time various kingdoms were continuously raging wars with each other. When the boy attained puberty, he associated with people from the lower class like Migaila a girl who was known as a thief. Siddhartha began to have doubts about the strict class system even though he is raised in luxury as a future king. Later, the powerful kingdom of Kosala attacks the kingdom of Shakya. Both sides fight fiercely. The commander of Kosala's army is the general's son Chapra. He is thought of as the most brave soldier in the kingdom of Kosala. Chapra was actually born into slavery but hid his background. By the general's order he came all the way up into his current position. Chapra wants to make a successful career for himself and Siddhartha abondons his family's wealth to find Tao. These two opposite persons meet in the war and changes the fate of their respective kingdoms.
- A murder was committed on a ship. To solve the case, Conan will need to open a case from 15 years ago.
- Tokyo, 1934. The boss of the clan that controls gambling agonizes and some of his followers propose to Nakai to take his place, but he refuses the offer and suggests they choose Matsuda, who is in prison.
- The Straw Hat crew salvage a treasure chest but it turns out to be an old lady hiding inside it. To get the Straw Hat Pirates to take her home, she promises them the treasure of a golden crown to Mecha Island.
- Set several years after The Blood Of Wolves and Ogami Shogo's death in the Western city of Hiroshima, the detective's plan to surround and control the yakuza low-lives has been implemented and is working. Much bloodshed and potential death has been prevented. However, the release of one criminal element places everything in jeopardy.
- A large monster attacks Japan, but dies suddenly. While the people rejoice and bask in relief, the giant corpse left behind begins to slowly rot and bloat. If it explodes, the nation will be destroyed.
- Friendship, fights, love...... an exhilarating drama filled with all the adolescence that is unique to high school boys, will explode onto the screen this summer.
- Enquanto treina com Rayleigh, Luffy deve canalizar o poder de Haki para salvar a bela Boa Hancock e suas irmãs de um fugitivo mortal.
- A short compilation of humourous sketches featuring a group of friends in high school.
- Três ladrões de arte tentam roubar novamente um quadro, após serem enganados pelo próprio chefe.
- Dreams begin to haunt Lady Sheru -- dreams of her past life as Pirotesse. Her love, Ashram, is being tormented at the hands of the soul of Barbas posing as their former king, Beld of Marmo.
- A "dramatization" of the life of actor Rudolph Valentino, widely regarded as the screen's first male sex symbol.
- 2500 years ago, in India, Siddhartha was born as a prince of the Shakya clan, but he gives up his position as a prince to see the world. He meets a strange boy named Assaji, who can predict the future, a monk with only one eye and Depa. Siddhartha continues traveling. Siddhartha is overwhelmed by the sufferings he witnesses around him. Meanwhile, Prince Ruri of Kosara begins his attack on the Shakya clan.
- The story follows three adult women from the generation who grew up watching Ojamajo Doremi. A new magical story begins once they embark on a journey together.