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- Una sera di mezza estate del 1970 due turisti vengono trovati assassinati in una tenda. Il crimine intreccia le vite di quattro persone a caso.
- La vita della dottoressa della fertilità Nana e dei clienti che incontra e tratta.
- Astrid ha solo 9 anni nel 1999, quando una classe di studenti diplomandi svanisce inspiegabilmente senza lasciare traccia. A seguito dell'evento la ragazzina, la cui sorella è scomparsa, è traumatizzata e afflitta da orribili visioni.
- A darkly comedic tale about eight young dancers trying to survive in a sexist workplace in the mid-1970s. During an eventful summer they find strength in togetherness, and the courage to resist and change their circumstances.
- L'impacciato Lau va al tradizionale campo maschile con i ragazzi della città di provincia per dimostrare di essere un "vero uomo". Ma le cose si complicano quando sviluppa dei sentimenti per un altro ragazzo durante il viaggio.
- Serie TV
- A chilling phone call during Astrid's radio show stirs up memories about her sister's disappearance and spurs her to investigate what really happened.
- Astrid returns to her childhood home to look for clues. Ida's relationship with Jakob unfolds and his fascination with a mysterious book takes root.
- Jakob leads Ida, Amelia and Falke to the island for the equinox. After learning more about the strange symbol, Astrid questions a former teacher.
- The pieces begin to fall into place for Astrid with help from Ida's old friend, but the visions that plagued her as a child shake her hold on reality.
- A return address yields more clues, but Astrid's relentless search for answers causes concern. Ida feels lost and alone after the events on the island.
- Astrid confronts her mother as she closes in on the truth. Anger, accusations and revelations mar Ida's long-awaited graduation day.
- In 1991, something triggers a memory from Annie's past, and we see her arrival in a rural community in the summer of 1973, when she made a traumatic discovery.
- A new Cirkusrevyen season is commencing and Preben Kaas has problems with the revue's main attraction, Dirch Passer. The task of finding the ideal dancers to both entertain and attract the audience falls on choreographer Tutter.
- The revue faces great challenges this year, and this means that the dancers have to take a pay cut. Sussie joins forces with Ulla-Berit and they take matters into their own hands.
- Preben is frustrated about the financial situation, and the revue suffers without Dirch - it's just not the same without him. Ulla-Berit convinces Sussie to accompany her to an important party.
- It's the big press day and everything is at stake. It is important that the press loves the revue in order to sell tickets. Sussie contacts an advocate, in the hope of getting an apartment.
- It's the revue's big opening night. Preben gives Mimi a break, and Diana is once again confronted by Tutter. Sussie looks forward to Robert going out of town, but things don't turn out how she planned.
- Sussie takes Rikke to the doctor, as she hasn't uttered a word since the opening night. A heatwave hits Denmark and has grave consequences for the revue.
- The big plan to get Sussie out of the house, and save her from a life of violence is set in motion. Preben acknowledges that threats don't always work.
- The season is coming to an end, and Preben holds a pool party for the crew. Robert promises to change his ways, and Rikke has to make a final decision concerning her and Rikke's future.
- Annie and Mia try to settle in the collective, but Annie is tormented by thoughts of the murders. When Birger is drawn into the murder investigation, it affects both marriages and friendships. In 1991, Annie has been found dead in Lobberån, but the cause of death puzzles Birger and Mia.
- The police show up at the Stjärnberg commune and interview Dan about the tent murders; Annie begins to suspect that Dan is lying about his whereabouts on Midsummer's Eve.
- Petrus confirms Annie's suspicions that Dan was away from the collective on Midsummer night. Johan is picked up by his mother in Norway, but the family does not want him to come home to Sweden. In 1991, Birger and Johan go to Helsinki to find Ylja, who they suspect has something to tell them about Midsummer Eve 1973.
- It is winter and the heavily pregnant Annie decides to leave the Stjärnberg collective together with Mia. In 1991, Birger and Johan visit Dan in Stockholm, who tells them where he was on Midsummer Night 1973.