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- Edmond Dantès, un marinaio ingiustamente accusato di tradimento, è imprigionato nel castello d'If, al largo di Marsiglia. Dopo essere fuggito e aver assunto l'identità del Conte di Montecristo, progetta una vendetta.
- Lincoln e Roach indignati per l'assassinio di Patrice Lumumba, inscenano una protesta al Consiglio di sicurezza delle Nazioni Unite, intrecciando musica e decolonizzazione in un atto di resistenza contro le ingiustizie della Guerra Fredda.
- Determinato a scoprire chi ha ucciso suo padre, scoprirà segreti di famiglia che cambieranno per sempre il suo destino.
- Sotto i ruggenti aerei da combattimento, gli artisti ucraini Slava, Anya e Andrey scelgono di restare indietro. Con aria di sfida in mezzo alla distruzione, dimostrano che è difficile distruggere la loro passione per la vita.
- Marine biologist researches fish farm. Teenagers die, odd occurrences suggest gigantic, multi-tentacled creature lurks in deep fjord, poised to crush victims. Investigates if legendary monster exists in Norway's deepest fjord.
- In una giornata fredda, l'elettricità viene a mancare in tutta Europa. Mentre il governo e le autorità lottano con gli effetti, un ex hacker viene accusato.
- She, an underwear model. He, a recognized politician - Who will be believed? The local police in the small Breton town do not make it easy for 20-year-old Laura to report the assaults of her tormentor, who has just been appointed minister.
- Tre studenti universitari che girano un film dell'orrore si ritrovano intrappolati nel loro peggior incubo. La loro unica speranza di sopravvivenza sono due detective che trovano la telecamera che si sono lasciati alle spalle.
- Serie TVSegue un gruppo di donne di mezza età, mentre formano una band punk-rock per partecipare a un concorso di talenti
- Una giovane donna conosciuta come Machine cerca di scappare da un'unità commando della Direzione dell'Intelligence and Security.
- Kathleen is an upcoming fashion designer living in New York City with a successful lawyer/boyfriend. She thinks she has it all until her grandmother dies and leaves her a house and farm in the country. Kathleen discovers a whole new world as she meets Oliver, a handsome local doctor who helps children with emotional disabilities by specializing in Hippotherapy and therapeutic horseback riding. Now Kathleen must decide between keeping the farm or selling it to a wealthy couple who want to turn it into an upscale resort while also dealing with her new romantic feelings towards Oliver versus her boyfriend back in the city. Kathleen's career, love life, and entire lifestyle hang in the balance in this uplifting romantic adventure that proves home is most definitely where the heart is.
- When Manon, a promising young student at a prestigious watchmaking school near the Swiss border is found dead, everyone suspects suicide. But Jeanne, the dean of students, refuses to believe Manon took her own life. She suspects foul play, and looks elsewhere, across the border to Switzerland, to find the pieces that will help solve the puzzle of the young woman's death. What will she discover on the other side?
- A rare and transcendent journey into the life and films of the legendary Stanley Kubrick like we've never seen before, featuring a treasure trove of unearthed interview recordings from the master himself.
- A kid living in Brittany in the 1980s is called up for military service and drafted to West Berlin.
- Un medico in un ospedale di Milano sostiene i trattamenti per la fertilità e le transizioni di genere, sfidando le restrizioni governative e gli interessi aziendali nel tentativo di aiutare i pazienti a realizzare la loro vera identità.
- Jean and Marina go to Athens for their summer vacation. There they are reunited with Marina's family, while preparing to spend a romantic getaway, Marina's family decides to accompany them. But nothing will go according to the plan
- Follows Ben and Jessa, who are getting divorced after twenty years and decided to sell their first house, but they found it in terrible shape after all these years and now they must work together to repair it and put it on the market.
- A native of Le Havre who has become a well-known political figure highly respected within the local community of dockers.
- Un giornalista conduce un'indagine incessante nella sua città natale su una notizia che lo riguarda da vicino.
- Due amici intimi e colleghi poliziotti, Tom e Lola, finiscono per vivere e lavorare insieme dopo il fallimento del matrimonio di Tom, mescolando procedimenti penali con elementi familiari di benessere.
- In Venice, forty-old-year old Serge Fabergé has just been given the best advertisement director award. While taking a walk on the Piazza San Marco, Serge meets Evelyn Nicholson, a twenty-three-year-old English beauty. He falls passionately in love with her and, as a result, starts neglecting his charming wife, Françoise, going so far as to consider divorcing her. But having a young fiery insatiable mistress is not without drawbacks...
- Days before Valentine's day and their wedding, Cindy Hunter, editor-in-chief of a tabloid and Damon Tuckland, a successful therapist encounter a strange plant that magically puts Cindy's mind in Damon's body and vice versa. Now the couple really finds out how the other half lives. In a series of comic mishaps at work, with relatives and at home, Cindy and Damon must become better people and figure out a way to reverse the "awkward" situation before their wedding or face a lifetime as each other. It's the ultimate body-swapping comedy with a heart that gives a brand-new meaning to the term "The Opposite Sex".
- Un viaggio per ripercorrere gli anni della giovinezza di Berlusconi.