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- In the fall of 1950, Nat 'Sweetwater' Clifton makes history in his journey to become the first African American to sign an NBA contract, forever changing the game of basketball.
- Ein entlassener Anwalt und sein exzentrischer Bruder versuchen, den Raub ihres Lebens zu begehen, geraten dabei aber in ein gefährliches Katz-und-Maus-Spiel mit einem verärgerten serbischen Mafioso
- Es geht um ein Paar, das in Los Angeles lebt. Sie sind in eine leidenschaftliche Beziehung verwickelt, die durch Sex, Drogen und Risiko angeheizt wird und schnell einen Siedepunkt erreicht.
- Nachdem ihr Bankraub schief gegangen ist, müssen ein verzweifelter Krimineller, sein außer Kontrolle geratener Bruder und ihre bunt zusammengewürfelte Truppe von Ex-Marines fliehen und der entschlossene FBI-Agent
- Zwei Brüder, einer ein FBI-Agent und der andere ein internationaler Geldwäscher, legen ihre Differenzen beiseite und tun sich zusammen, um ihre Familie zu retten .
- Der Leiter einer Geheimorganisation stellt ein Team zusammen, um die von den Nazis während des Zweiten Weltkriegs geplünderten Kunstwerke zurück zu stehlen.
- Deltopia ist eine Coming-of-Age-Geschichte, die sich in einem Zeitraum von 24 Stunden abspielt. Eine Gruppe von Freunden aus Südkalifornien beendet ihren letzten Tag an der High School.
- Among gunshots and boleros, a passionate relationship flourishes between a lonely transvestite and a young guerrilla during the Pinochet dictatorship in Chile.
- An unhappily married woman runs away from home and goes to Atlantic City, where she meets a young gambler and develops an unlikely friendship with him.
- A romantic comedy about a tech geek who lands an investor for his matchmaking app. But when his app matches him with a beautiful girl who doesn't speak English, he travels with his buddies to Mexico to prove his algorithm isn't screwy.
- In this allegorical road movie touching on issues of homelessness, mental health, and addiction, two lost souls embark across a dreamscape America. Their darkly strange journey confronts them with their traumatic pasts, and bonds them in compassion and love.
- Raymundo, a Mexican ex-fighter forms an unlikely bond with a disgruntled man, whose life and relationship with his daughter are unraveling. The two men join forces to win a fight that could very well save Raymundo, his wife and their child.
- Four female best friends going for a final road trip to Mexico when one finds out life changing news.
- A nun with a mysterious past navigates the realities of working in an orphanage and the mission of placing children into caring homes.
- Hugo, a neurodiverse savant involved in the dangerous theft of a valuable USB memory stick, escapes from those who want to recover it, but when he meets Cynthia they set off in search of a new treasure.
- To cure their insomnia, a social outcast befriends an ASMR streamer where the lines between friendship and obsession become blurred.
- A dreamer struggling to make ends meet as a rideshare driver is headed for a run-in with reality as she deals with mental illness in her sister, poverty, and poor choices.