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1–35 von 35
- Anna klaut versehentlich den Ring eines Kunden. Der Kunde, Simon, erpresst sie um Sex oder er wird den Diebstahl melden, was ihre Karriere gefährden würde.
- David zieht nach Berlin, um mit seiner Freundin zusammenzuleben, aber sie lässt ihn sofort fallen. Er ist nicht bereit, seine überromantischen Erwartungen an Freundschaft, Liebe und Miete aufzugeben.
- A wonderful documentary about the history and life of wolves throughout Europe. This documentary takes a closer look at the bonds between wolves and other animals, from how they grow up to how they hunt, breed and live.
- Step inside and take a peek behind the front door of seven families. Watch as life creaks, cracks, and collapses in the most hilarious ways, Cause let's be honest-no one really knows what they're doing.
- Sisterhood is a film about being a woman today and the everyday confrontations that come with it. In the film, filmmaker SophieDros (King of the Cruise, Gender Gang) talks to four outspoken female generational peers and a group of young girls. Together they discuss what it is like to be a Dutch woman today. They are universal stories - about dealing with expectations and inconveniences, empathy, desires for connections, but also fear, the need for confirmation and losing control.
- It is Poy's last night in the Philippines. He and his family are again migrating somewhere far from home. Feeling disoriented by this impending move, he runs away to Manila, the city he never had the chance to know. The night grants him a chance meeting with weary local Shirley, who's grappling with her own life's disappointments. Bound by the night's unfortunate events, he follows her through the city where they must choose between facing their anxieties or letting it consume them. Will they be able to last until the break of day?
- In 1983, Jaitsen Singh's wife and stepdaughter are murdered in California. Singh is convicted of inciting the murders, but claims he is innocence. How did the American dream of the Dutch Singh turn into an American nightmare?
- THE ONLY WAY IS UP. Welcome to #ElevatorSessions: a weekly sketch series in AND around an elevator (TikTok only).
- In a time of growing social inequality, traditional left-wing parties in the Netherlands can't seem to flourish. How did it come to this, and can we still turn the tide?
- The death of Saddam Hussein in 2003 started an explosive wave of cult violence. Sinan travels to the camp in Iraq where the violence started and to other places like Bagdad and Mosul
- David moves to Berlin, but is immediately dumped. Eventually he meets his new housemate Rob, a peculiar Norwegian.
- David explores the harsh city of Berlin, hangs out with childhood friend Aisha and meets the mysterious Hanna. Has David found his new love?
- Instead of a job, David seeks distraction in his obsession with Hanna. Ultimately he has to choose: make money or keep dreaming?
- David, Rob and Aisha all have a date. Nothing goes as expected. David experiences a romantic and confusing afternoon with Hanna.
- David visits Dieter and Monika, friends of his parents who live in a remote place in the woods near Berlin. Something isn't right.
- David has a pain in his scrotum and wants to live a healthier life. After an intense yoga class, David, Aisha, Hanna and Rob are together for the first time.