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- The adventures and misadventures of an energetic, scatterbrained, impulsive, reckless and slightly destructive boy, ELVIS RIBOLDI.
- Three droplets of paint come to life in Joan Miró's paintings to live fun and surreal adventures in the fascinating universe of art and imagination.
- 202011m4,3 (6)Episódio de TVElvis moves into his tree with Boris. But living together won't be easy at all.
- 202011m8,3 (6)Episódio de TVElvis does not like Sunte Lee, a new classmate who's a master in martial arts, so he arranges a fight to defeat him.
- Realizing he doesn't have a unique scent, Elvis creates his own perfume.
- 202011m8,6 (5)Episódio de TVElvis brings a raccoon to school, creating a health emergency.
- A school camping trip turns out to be a thrilling, hyper-competitive contest to pass gym class.
- Genius Boris starts an internship at a hi-tech search engine corporation that literally wants to make him "part of the company."
- Elvis and his friends start a business to raise money to save the frog pond.
- 202011m8,3 (6)Episódio de TVElvis loses his beloved ball to Strimer, an unscrupulous modeling agent, who hires Emma to make her into one of his world-famous models.
- 202011m6,4 (5)Episódio de TVRE-TAW, a new mass-marketed "energy drink" changes Elvis and friends' lives.
- 202011m8,8 (5)Episódio de TVWhen Pinkerton becomes the new school principal, Elvis and the gang try to get their school back.
- 202011m7,6 (5)Episódio de TVElvis gets stuck in a time loop, living the same day over and over again.
- 202011m9,2 (5)Episódio de TVBoris and Emma team up to run for class representative with Elvis as their campaign manager.
- 202011m8,2 (5)Episódio de TVWhen a chickenpox outbreak affects Icaria, Miss Jennifer puts the school on quarantine.
- 202011m8,4 (5)Episódio de TVIn order to learn to be more responsible, Elvis takes a job working for Professor Pinkerton.
- Elvis persuades Ms. Jennifer to take a vacation by offering the ultimate substitute: a cyborg version of herself.
- 202011m8,3 (7)Episódio de TVElvis helps new classmate Travis to settle around the school, but Travis starts looking and acting more and more like Elvis.
- 202011m7,1 (7)Episódio de TVMr. Lugosi gives Elvis a monkey figurine that grants three wishes to whoever holds it.
- Icaria needs help, so Elvis becomes ''Eroic-man'' to save it and fight his nemesis, the ''Destroyificator''.
- 202011m9,0 (5)Episódio de TVMurphy, a strange but harmless extraterrestrial, crash-lands in Icaria and Elvis tries to integrate him into society.
- 202011m8,0 (5)Episódio de TVCopernica's vampire curse is getting in the way of her relationship with Boris. Elvis decides to help.
- 202011m8,5 (6)Episódio de TVLeonidas gets an uncomfortable visit from someone from his past; Elvis will try to help him with a time machine built by Boris.
- Elvis goes to Icaria's police station on a school trip and unknowingly becomes an accomplice to a criminal named Cliff Hanger.