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1-10 de 10
- Um bandido ambicioso e um policial alcoólatra estão no centro dessa história. Siga a trajetória de Evandro do Dendê, um jovem da favela carioca nos anos 1990 cujo principal objetivo ao fazer 18 anos é ganhar seu dinheiro de forma honesta.
- Série de TV
- Bruna is still a well paid and renowned prostitute but, in parallel, she is betting on a new line of work: TV hostess. At a party she meets Alice, the housekeeper's little sister who is obsessed with her and wants to follow her steps.
- To get her TV show, Bruna does a job for free with the marketing director of the sponsor brand who forces her to have sex with his underage son. Alice is being blackmailed and forced to have sex with an old man.
- Bruna wants to report Jairo's illegal activities to the press but Paulinho warns her not to mess with him. Bruna confronts Jairo and runs away with Alice. As a revenge Jairo leaks several sex videos of Alice, destroying her life.
- Jairo becomes obsessed with Alice. Bruna's romance with Pedro, a high-class gigolo gets more serious. Thalita's adoptive mother lurks around in a menacing way, scaring Jéssica.
- Bruna discovers Alice's fixation with her and the danger the teenager is in. Bruna decides to confront Jairo, but he threatens her by planting a fake news story involving Bruna in a pedophilia network.
- Jairo blackmails Bruna and calls her for a special gig. She knows she has no choice but to go. Ana and Alice argue about the path the girl is choosing. They fight and the girl runs from home. Jairo drives Alice crazy over the phone.
- The police are suspicious about Bruna's relationship with Alice. Bruna tells the truth about Jairo. When he finds out, he discloses the slandering fake news about her, causing a huge impact. Jéssica decides to run away with Thalita.
- Bruna tells Simone, Jairo's wife, all the truth about him. Simone finds the forbidden files that prove Bruna's accusations and is appalled. In revenge, Jairo attacks Bruna at her house and someone gets killed.