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- The Excavation of Hob's Barrow is a folk horror narrative-driven adventure. Explore the isolated moors of rural Victorian England as you uncover the mysteries of Hob's Barrow. The answers lie in the soil.
- It's game night for the Purchase County Turbines and high-school football hero Tommy's sweet-heart is waiting in the bleachers - isn't she? Join Tommy for a night of disturbing discovery in this eerie point-&-click adventure.
- Three thieves attempts to rob an old man claimed to be rich with doubloons. Based on the horror novel by H.P. Lovecraft.
- A logger is caught in a terrible landslide, stranding him deep in the Indonesian jungle. Join him on his quest to find his best friend and coworker Ramdan, and return home to his beloved Adiratna in this old-school point-&-click adventure.
- Within days of arriving for a new life in Lisbon, Lou meets an enchanting woman, Catarina, on a night out. After a lovely evening, Lou agrees to meet her the next day in her favourite park.
- Legend of Hand tells the story of a hero on an epic quest to find the mythical Grandmaster Hand, the one man who can restore peace to a troubled world.
- You are Yandi, a villager who works for the Pandang Logging Company deep in the Sumatran jungle. An accident leaves you stranded and alone in the jungle. You must survive, you must escape. But who knows what you might find.
- You are G. After being given a chance at a new life by an old friend, it's time to return the favour.
- Winston and his co-mudlarker Vincent stumble upon a valuable golden locket - and his destiny is changed forever.