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- Il detective Karl Alberg e la sua partner Edwina Yen si occupano di una sorprendente serie di omicidi in una comunità solitamente tranquilla della Sunshine Coast.
- Una donna si ferma in una remota stazione di servizio nel cuore della notte e diventa il bersaglio di un cecchino sociopatico con una vendetta segreta.
- È una cosa rara e miracolosa trovare la tua unica vera anima gemella. Carey scopre presto che trovarne due può rappresentare un problema ancora più grande.
- An aging, womanizing professional boxer and his career-criminal brother take one last shot at success and get more than they've bargained for.
- When Filipe Leite leaves his adoptive home of Canada, the aspiring journalist sets out on an epic quest to ride from Calgary to his family's home in Brazil - and later beyond - entirely on horseback.
- Story of Shari Lewis' life and body of work. From the director of Love, Gilda.
- Down on his luck, Cornelius Jackson discovers a television that can tune into tomorrow.
- Three young geniuses create rambunctious Minibots at Robotics camp. They must control the chaotic bots and protect them from a sinister tech company seeking to acquire them.
- Following the lives of two teenagers and one legendary coach in one of America's only predominantly Black hockey teams; the Fort Dupont Cannons must overcome the challenges of life in one of America's most dangerous neighborhoods.
- Follows Gene Wilder's life. His story will be told through the perspective of Jordan Walker-Pearlman, the late actor's nephew and a filmmaker in his own right.
- Winner of the Audience Award at the 2022 Slamdance Film Festival, Jazmine Faries is a 32-year old woman with Down syndrome who is obsessed with soap operas, Barbie dolls, and Matthew McConaughey. For the past 5 summers, her family has performed her original stage plays for a small audience in their town of Iron River in Michigan's Upper Peninsula. In this sixth season, we follow the creative process of writing, rehearsing, and performing the play. Family bonds between her brother, Chad, and her mother, Kate, are strengthened and put to the test by the mishaps and chaos of coordinating a production with limited resources. Along the way we see Jazmine's personal struggle for independence, her yearning for a romantic partner, and how a single spark of creativity can spread joy throughout a community.
- Connecting the Dots uniquely offers a global look at youth mental health
- The ravages of war and conflict, and the aftermath of violent uprisings, are circumstances that most people shun or avoid-but for news photographers, it provides them to spotlight injustices and turmoil for a global audience.
- Zoe Strachan, residente a Gibsons, si confronta con il suo ex fratello Benjamin, che afferma di essere in difficoltà finanziarie. Viene scoperto un cadavere che corrisponde alla descrizione di Benjamin e Alberg cerca all'assassino.
- L'amica d'infanzia di Cassandra indaga sulla scomparsa del marito e sulla scena del crimine a casa sua. Lei condivide gli indizi mentre lui scopre i segreti e la verità dietro il loro matrimonio.
- Karl Alberg, un ex detective di una grande città, si trasferisce in una piccola città costiera per trovare conforto, solo per incontrare una serie di omicidi. Quando un residente viene picchiato, Alberg sospetta un altro residente locale.
- Mentre festeggiano una riunione del liceo, gli ex compagni di classe di Cassandra scoprono un cadavere in un porto turistico. Alberg indaga sull'identità del residente e sull'omicidio, svelando un mistero.