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- A story of a young university student who lost his parents in a car crash. Afterwards he only gradually regains his inner peace in a group of young workers whose friendliness helps him to overcome his difficult life situation.
- Twelve-year-old Adam from the Slovak village of Utekác can do any job you ask of him. He is strong, brave, and very active. He earns his own money, his life is completely in his own hands, and his friends admire him for it. Adam says all this about himself, but the truth is perhaps a little different. Set to a folk rhythm, Slovak director Katarína Gramatová's hybrid documentary brilliantly uses the tools of cinema, a sense of subtle humor, and provocative irony to tell the story of one Romani boy and one remote village where life is far from easy.
- This film pays a tribute to Elo Havetta, 1938-1975, a solitary director, an author of only two feature films - Celebration in the Botnical Garden and Field Lilies - that belong to the best of the Slovak cinema. At their time, they brought playfulness and spontaneity, on which the authors of the documentary base their happening - a journey to the director's grave in the search for his legacy.
- Hana, Bazo, Maja, and David have always been inseparable. But as they approach thirty, their paths begin to diverge. Hana gets married, Bazo goes to work in Canada, and Maja moves in with her boyfriend. In David's life, however, nothing changes, and he himself isn't sure whether or not that's a good thing. He would certainly be better equipped to face his problems among friends rather than in lonely isolation. Using the naturally charismatic David as example, this energetic, subtly ironic film comments on the void that often grows between the world of carefree partying and the settled life of adulthood, a reality that takes some people by surprise.